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Quick Start

This guide will walk you through the steps of building a Spring Data application with XAP. You will use the Spring Data XAP library to store and retrieve POJOs.

Versions this scenario was done with:

  • GigaSpaces relesae 14.5
  • Spring versions 5.2.0, 5.1.7 (second one is aligned with the Spring version supported by 14.5)


Before using this guide, you have to download GigaSpaces XAP and install the maven plugin. If you’re not familiar with Maven, refer to Building Java Projects with Maven.

To install the XAP maven plugin run the installmavenrep script:

use the CLI maven install command.

Download the xap-spring-data project and build it with maven using mvn clean install.

The recommended way to get started using spring-data-xap in your project is with a dependency management system - the snippet below can be copied and pasted into your build.


Define a simple entity

GigaSpaces XAP is an IMC platform with a powerful In-Memory Data Grid. It stores data in Spaces, and each Space can be configured in a different manner (replicated, partitioned etc). With this example we will use an Embedded Space that is running as part of your program. There is no need to run a separate grid.

With this example, we store Book objects.

package hello;

import com.gigaspaces.annotation.pojo.SpaceClass;
import com.gigaspaces.annotation.pojo.SpaceId;


public class Book implements Serializable {

    String id;

    String author;

    Integer copies;

    public Book(){}

    public Book(String id, String author, Integer copies) { = id; = author;
        this.copies = copies;

    public String getAuthor() {
        return author;

    public void setAuthor(String author) { = author;

    @SpaceId(autoGenerate = false)
    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public Integer getCopies() {
        return copies;

    public void setCopies(Integer copies) {
        this.copies = copies;

    public String toString() {
        return "Book{" +
                "id='" + id + '\'' +
                ", author='" + author + '\'' +
                ", copies=" + copies +

Here you have a Book class with three attributes, the id, the author and the copies. You also have the constructor to populate the entities when creating a new instance and the default constructor.

Notice that this class is annotated @SpaceClass. This annotation is not mandatory, you can write objects to the Space without it, but it’s used to provide an additional metadata. This class also has a getter for id marked with @SpaceId. This property uniquely identifies the object within the Space, and is similar to a primary key in a database.

The next important piece is the number of book copies. Later in this guide, you will use it to demonstrate some queries. The convenient toString() method will print out the book’s id, author and copies.

Create simple queries

Spring Data XAP focuses on storing data in XAP. It also inherits powerful functionality from the Spring Data Commons project, such as the ability to derive queries. Essentially, you don’t have to learn the query language of XAP; you can simply write a handful of methods and the queries are generated for you.

To see how this works, lets create an interface that queries Book space objects.

package hello;


import java.util.List;

public interface BookRepository extends CrudRepository<Book, String> {

    List<Book> findByAuthor(String author);

    List<Book> findByCopiesLessThan(Integer copies);

    List<Book> findByAuthorOrCopiesGreaterThan(String author, Integer copies);


BookRepository extends the CrudRepository interface and plugs in the type of values and keys with: Book and String. Out-of-the-box, this interface comes with many operations, including standard CRUD (create-read-update-delete).

You can define other queries as needed by simply declaring their method signature. In this case, you add findByAuthor, which essentially seeks entities of type Book and find the ones that matches on Author.

You also have:

  • findByCopiesLessThan to find books with a number of copies below a certain number
  • findByAuthorOrCopiesGreaterThan to find books with a certain author or number of copies above a certain number

Let’s wire this up and see what it looks like!

Create your Program

Here you create the Program class with all the components.

package hello;

import org.openspaces.core.GigaSpace;
import org.openspaces.core.GigaSpaceConfigurer;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;



public class Application implements CommandLineRunner {

    BookRepository bookRepository;

    GigaSpace spaceClient(){
        UrlSpaceConfigurer urlConfigurer = new UrlSpaceConfigurer("/./testSpace");
        return new GigaSpaceConfigurer(urlConfigurer).gigaSpace();

    BookRepository bookRepository(){
        RepositoryFactorySupport factory = new XapRepositoryFactory(spaceClient(), null);
        return factory.getRepository(BookRepository.class);

    public void run(String... strings) throws Exception {

        Book thinkingInJava = new Book("1234", "Eccel", 10000);
        Book effectiveJava = new Book("2345", "Bloch", 20000);
        Book springInAction = new Book("3456", "Walls", 50000);

        System.out.println("Before writing objects to space...");
        for (Book book : new Book[] { thinkingInJava, effectiveJava, springInAction }) {
            System.out.println("\t" + book);

        System.out.println("Lookup books by author...");
        for (String name : new String[] {,,}) {
            System.out.println("\t" + bookRepository.findByAuthor(name));

        System.out.println("Lookup for less popular books...");
        for (Book book : bookRepository.findByCopiesLessThan(15000)) {
            System.out.println("\t" + book);

        System.out.println("Lookup for popular books or books of specific author...");
        for (Book book : bookRepository.findByAuthorOrCopiesGreaterThan("Bloch", 30000)) {
            System.out.println("\t" + book);


    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {, args);
  • In the configuration, you need to add the @EnableXapRepositories annotation. The XAP Space is required to store all data. For that, you have the Spring Data XAP SpaceClient bean.
  • The types are <String, Book>, matching the key type (String) with the value type (Book).
  • The public static void main uses Spring Boot’s to launch the application and invoke the CommandLineRunner that builds the relationships.
  • The application autowires an instance of BookRepository that you just defined. Spring Data XAP will dynamically create a concrete class that implements that interface and will plug in the needed query code to meet the interface’s obligations. This repository instance is the used by the run() method to demonstrate the functionality.

The Space is created locally using built-in components and an evaluation license. For a production solutions, it is recommends that you use the production version of XAP, where you can create distributed Spaces across multiple nodes.

Write and Read Objects

Lets create some Book instances, SpringInAction, ThinkingInJava, and EffectiveJava. Initially, they only exist in memory. After creating them, we store them in the Space.

Now we are ready to run some query:

  • look up books by author
  • execute query to find less popular books
  • query to find popular books or books written by specific author

You should see something like this:

    Before writing objects to space...
        Book{id='1234', author='Eccel', copies=10000}
        Book{id='2345', author='Bloch', copies=20000}
        Book{id='3456', author='Walls', copies=50000}
    Lookup books by author...
        [Book{id='1234', author='Eccel', copies=10000}]
        [Book{id='2345', author='Bloch', copies=20000}]
        [Book{id='2345', author='Bloch', copies=20000}]
    Lookup for less popular books...
        Book{id='1234', author='Eccel', copies=10000}
    Lookup for popular books or books of specific author...
        Book{id='2345', author='Bloch', copies=20000}
        Book{id='3456', author='Walls', copies=50000}