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WAN Gateway CLI Tool

Author XAP Version Last Updated Reference Download
Skyler Severns, Pavlo Romanenko 10.2.1 December 2015 Github link


Often there is a need to create and deploy a WAN gateway PU. The process is repeatable and can be easily automated. To speed it up this tool was created and it takes care of WAN gateway configuration and deployment. This tool can be used with master-slave, master-master or any other topology.

Getting Started

Download the WAN Gateway CLI

You can download the example project from here and unzip it into an empty folder.

Building and Running the Tool

Step 1: Deploy the Space Processing Units

Deploy space-de.jar and space-ru.jar via command line or Gigaspaces Management Center

Step 2: Build the tool with Maven

Modify <gsVersion> within the gw-cli/pom.xml to include the right XAP release - example below has XAP 10.2.1 (10.2.1-14000-RELEASE) as the <gsVersion> value. Then execute:

cd <project_root>
mvn clean install

Step 3: Run the tool to deploy WAN Gateways

Tool execution requires configuration file. Two configuration files (wan-gateway-de.conf and wan-gateway-us.conf) for WAN Gateways for both spaces are provided.

For Windows:

Modify to point to your XAP installation path instead of D:\gigaspaces-xap-premium-10.2.1-ga.

cd <project_root> wan-gateway-de.conf wan-gateway-us.conf

for Linux:

Modify to point to your XAP installation path instead of `/home/adminuser/gigaspaces-xap-premium-10.2.1-ga.

cd <project_root>
./ wan-gateway-de.conf
./ wan-gateway-us.conf

Example output:

01:02:53.055 [main] INFO  Gateway-CLI - Waiting for operations
01:02:53.167 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI - CONNECT: ConnectOptions{username='null', password='null', lookupLocators='null', lookupGroup='pavlo'}
01:02:54.853 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI - INITIALIZE: InitializeGatewayParameters{name=US}
01:02:55.901 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI - CONFIGURE: ConfigureOptions{gatewayName=US, add=true, remove=false, modify=false, remoteGatewayName='null', communicationPort=null, username='null', password='null', delegator='null', target='null', sink='sink', localSpaceURL='jini://*/*/wanSpaceUS', source='null', requireBootstrap=false, gatewayLookup=false, hostName='null', discoveryPort=null}
01:02:55.978 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI - CONFIGURE: ConfigureOptions{gatewayName=US, add=true, remove=false, modify=false, remoteGatewayName='null', communicationPort=null, username='null', password='null', delegator='null', target='null', sink='sink', localSpaceURL='null', source='DE', requireBootstrap=false, gatewayLookup=false, hostName='null', discoveryPort=null}
01:02:56.110 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI - CONFIGURE: ConfigureOptions{gatewayName=US, add=true, remove=false, modify=false, remoteGatewayName='null', communicationPort=null, username='null', password='null', delegator='delegator', target='null', sink='null', localSpaceURL='null', source='null', requireBootstrap=false, gatewayLookup=false, hostName='null', discoveryPort=null}
01:02:56.222 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI - CONFIGURE: ConfigureOptions{gatewayName=US, add=true, remove=false, modify=false, remoteGatewayName='null', communicationPort=null, username='null', password='null', delegator='delegator', target='DE', sink='null', localSpaceURL='null', source='null', requireBootstrap=false, gatewayLookup=false, hostName='null', discoveryPort=null}
01:02:56.346 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI - CONFIGURE: ConfigureOptions{gatewayName=US, add=true, remove=false, modify=false, remoteGatewayName='DE', communicationPort=null, username='null', password='null', delegator='null', target='null', sink='null', localSpaceURL='null', source='null', requireBootstrap=false, gatewayLookup=true, hostName='', discoveryPort=4174}
01:02:56.437 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI - CONFIGURE: ConfigureOptions{gatewayName=US, add=true, remove=false, modify=false, remoteGatewayName='US', communicationPort=null, username='null', password='null', delegator='null', target='null', sink='null', localSpaceURL='null', source='null', requireBootstrap=false, gatewayLookup=true, hostName='', discoveryPort=4174}
01:02:56.511 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI - DEPLOY: DeployOptions{name='US', zone='null', bootStrapSource='null', timeout=3600, xap9=false}
01:02:58.063 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI: Deployer - Deploying gateway
01:02:59.693 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI: Deployer - Cleaning resources..
01:02:59.700 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI: Deployer - Cleaned
01:02:59.700 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI: Deployer - Deploy executed
01:02:59.700 [main] DEBUG Gateway-CLI - DISCONNECT

Step 4: Test the WAN replication

Write the data to the first space and see how it’s replicated to second one.

Configuration file format

Each line of configuration file has the following format:

{command} {parameters}

Allowed commands: CONFIGURE, DEPLOY, DISCONNECT, INITIALIZE, LINK, BOOTSTRAP, CONNECT. Please see allowed parameters for each command below.

connect [options]

Sets the connect parameters. Required as the first command to connect to the specified grid, without it all other commands will fail.


Short name Long name Description Optional/Required
-u –username Username to authenticate against a secured grid. optional
-p –password Password to authenticate against a secured grid. optional
-l –lookup-locators Lookup locator (null for default) optional
-g –lookup-groups Lookup group (if doesn’t set default is used) optional
connect -u user -p password -l localhost:4174 -g mygroup

initialize [options]

Initializes a new gateway. Throws exception, if gateway with the same name was initialized or deployed already.


Short name Long name Description Optional/Required
-n –name Gateway site name. optional
initialize -n SITE-1

configure [options]

Configures the gateway component or throws an exception if the gateway wasn’t initialized.


Use one of three options to add/remove/modify one of gateway configurations.

Short name Long name Description
–name Name of the gateway to configure.
-a –add Add to gateway configuration
-r –remove Remove from gateway configuration
-m –modify Modify gateway configuration

Delegator options:

To add/remove delegator use -D option:

Short name Long name Description Optional/Required
-D –delegator Delegator id required
–username Username optional
–password Password optional
-c –communication-port Communication port optional
configure SITE-1 -a -D delegator1 --gateway-lookups lookupsId --c 8000

To add/remove target to existing delegator.

Short name Long name Description Optional/Required
-D –delegator Delegator id required
–target Target gateway name required
configure SITE-1 -a -D delegator1 --target SITE-2

Sink options:

To add/remove sink use -S option:

Short name Long name Description Optional/Required
-S –sink Sink id required
-c –communication-port Communication port optional
–username Username optional
–password Password optional
–local-space-url Locasl space url required
    configure SITE-1 -a -S sink1 --c 8000 --local-space-url jini://*/*/wanSpace

To add/remove source to existing sink.

Short name Long name Description Optional/Required
-S –sink Sink id required
–source Source gateway name required
configure SITE-1 -a -S sink1 --source SITE-2

Lookup options:

To add/remove/modify lookup use -L option.

Short name Long name Description Optional/Required
-n –remote-gateway-name Name of the remote gateway required
-c –communication-port Communication port optional
-h –host Host name required
-d –discovery-port Discovery port required
configure SITE-1 -a -L -n SITE2 -h localhost -d 4366 -c 8000

deploy [options]

Deploys gateway processing unit. If –source param is specified then replication gateway bootstrapping process will be executed.

Short name Long name Description Optional/Required
-n –name Name of the gateway to deploy required
-b –bootstrap-source Name of the bootstrap source gateway optional
-z –zone Name of the required zone for deployment optional
-t –bootstrap-timeout The number of seconds before a boostrap timeout occurs. optional
–xap9 Indicates if the resulting gateway should be XAP 9.x or 10.x optional
deploy SITE-1 --bootstrap-source SITE-2

Connects the specified space to a deployed gateway at runtime.

Short name Long name Description Optional/Required
-a –add Adds the gateway target. required
-r –remove Removes the gateway target. required
-n –name Target gateway name. required
-s –space-name Target space. required
-b –bulk-size Replication bulk size. optional
-i –idle-time-threshold Max milliseconds between replication. optional
-m –max-redo-capacity Max redo log count. optional
-o –on-capacity-exceeded Operation when redo log size exceeded. optional
-c –replicate-change-as-update Replicates changes as updates. optional
link --add -n gateway1 -s mySpace1


Exits from gateway configuration CLI.
