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XAP.NET MongoDB Data Grid

Author XAP Version Last Updated Reference Download
Shay Hassidim 9.7 April 2014


The MongoDB Data-Grid example demonstrates a common Data Grid / Caching architecture using MongoDB for persistence. It includes the following components.

  • A Client application that perform write and read operations against a remote clustered IMDG.
  • A Clustered IMDG with write-behind (Mirror service) with pre-fetch (initial load) enabled. The Data grid using MongoDB database.


This best practice will demonstrate show to implement this with XAP.NET.


The example contains two .Net projects:

  • GigaSpaces.Examples.Datagrid.Commons- Includes the entities project (Person) used in the example and other common functionalities.
  • GigaSpaces.Examples.Datagrid.Client - A client application performs write and read operations against the data grid.

The example includes two additional Processing Unit folders:

  • datagrid-mongo - Include a jar with the data grid configuration. See within the jar the pu.xml for MongoDB URL. mongodb://localhost:27017/db used by default.
  • mirror-mongo - Include a jar with the mirror configuration. See the within the jar the pu.xml for MongoDB URL. mongodb://localhost:27017/db used by default.


  • MongodbDB (win32-x86_64-2008plus-2.4.9) installed and running.
  • Visual Studio 2010 with Service pack 1 or Visual Studio 2013
  • XAP.NET 9.7 installed. Have the license key placed into C:\GigaSpaces\XAP.NET 9.7.0 x64\Runtime\gslicense.xml.

Building the Example

Step 1: Download the example and extract it into the <GigaSpaces XAP .Net Root>\Examples (i.e. C:\GigaSpaces\XAP.NET 9.7.0 x64\NET v4.0.30319\Examples) folder. A new folder called Datagrid-MongoDb will be created.

Step 2: Browse to the Datagrid-MongoDb folder

Step 3: Run the BuildAll.bat script to compile the example.

Running the Data Grid

Step 1: Run Gigaspaces Agent by running the StartAgent.bat script. This will start 3 containers.

Step 2: Deploy the data grid and the Mirror service by running DeployDataGrid.bat. You should see this after running the Gs-ui.exe:


Running the Client Application

The client application has several options:

  1. runWrite.bat - will write 10 Person objects into the data grid and persist to MongoDB.
  2. runWriteMultiple.bat - will write 100 Person objects (10 batches of 10 Person objects) into the data grid and persist to MongoDB.
  3. runRead.bat - will read a Person object from the data grid.
  4. runReadMultiple.bat - will read a 100 Person object from the data grid.

Opening .NET Solution with Microsoft Visual Studio

  1. Double-click the GigaSpaces.Examples.Datagrid.sln file.
  2. Choose Build > Build Solution menu. The project files and dependencies are created and copied to the release directory.

Viewing the data within the Data Grid

Run GigaSpaces UI: Go to <GigaSpaces Root>\Bin and run Gs-ui.exe. This will allow you to view the content of the data grid.




Viewing data Persist into MongoDB

> use db
switched to db db
> db.GigaSpaces.Examples.Datagrid.Commons.Entities.Person.count()
> db.GigaSpaces.Examples.Datagrid.Commons.Entities.Person.find()
{ "__type__" : "GigaSpaces.Examples.Datagrid.Commons.Entities.Person", "FirstName" : "Name101", "Age" : "101", "LastName" : "lastname101", "_id" : "33
94b1f1-39d1-4c04-8c73-6f41d42c13ad" }
{ "__type__" : "GigaSpaces.Examples.Datagrid.Commons.Entities.Person", "FirstName" : "Name102", "Age" : "102", "LastName" : "lastname102", "_id" : "d6
a18590-ffb3-4dad-9548-009004b86353" }¦

Setting MongoDB URL

To modify the MongoDB URL used with the example update the pu.xml within the Datagrid-mongo.jar and mirror-mongo.jar to have the right value instead the one used:

<constructor-arg value="mongodb://localhost:27017/db" type="java.lang.String" />

Running Data Grid in Cache Miss Mode

To run the Data Grid in Cache miss mode update the pu.xml within the Datagrid-mongo.jar to have:

<os-core:embedded-space id="space" name="datagrid-mongo" space-data-source="mongospaceDataSource" mirror="true" schema="persistent">
        <!-- 0 for LRU , 1 for IN CACHE -->
        <prop key="space-config.engine.cache_policy">0</prop>
        <prop key="space-config.engine.initial_load">0</prop>
        <prop key="space-config.engine.cache_size">100000</prop>

        <prop key="space-config.engine.memory_usage.enabled">true</prop>
        <prop key="cluster-config.cache-loader.central-data-source">true</prop>
        <prop key="cluster-config.mirror-service.supports-partial-update">true</prop>
        <prop key="space-config.engine.memory_usage.high_watermark_percentage">90</prop>
        <prop key="space-config.engine.memory_usage.write_only_block_percentage">85</prop>
        <prop key="space-config.engine.memory_usage.write_only_check_percentage">76</prop>
        <prop key="space-config.engine.memory_usage.low_watermark_percentage">75</prop>
        <prop key="space-config.engine.memory_usage.eviction_batch_size">100</prop>
        <prop key="space-config.engine.memory_usage.retry_yield_time">2000</prop>
        <prop key="space-config.engine.memory_usage.retry_count">10</prop>
        <prop key="space-config.engine.memory_usage.explicit-gc">false</prop>
        <prop key="space-config.engine.memory_usage.gc-before-shortage">false</prop>

The following controls how Cache miss works:

<prop key="space-config.engine.cache_size">10000</prop>
<prop key="space-config.engine.initial_load">0</prop>