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Integration testing with scalatest

Author XAP Version Last Updated Reference Download
Jason Nerothin 9.7.2 March 2014


We describe here a technique for implementing a XAP integration (i10n) test using a scalatest FunSuite.


We provide an abstract FunSuite that is a BeforeAndAfterAllConfigMap in this gist. Simply implemented, the subclass need only provide a small number of properties and a Spring context file. The superclass uses this information to seed a ConfigMap, which then configures a nested ProcessingUnitContainerProvider, which in turn provisions a protected GigaSpace proxy.

Here’s example configuration from a working example that tests against and embedded Space:

  // "defaults" is a protected member, and is 
  // the only required configuration necessary to 
  // successfully initialize the FunSuite.
  defaults = Map[String, Any](
    schemaProperty -> "partitioned-sync2backup"
    , numInstancesProperty -> int2Integer(numPartitions)
    , numBackupsProperty -> int2Integer(0)
    , instanceIdProperty -> int2Integer(1)
    , spaceUrlProperty -> s"jini:/*/*/$spaceName" // spaceName is a class member
    , spaceModeProperty -> SpaceMode.Remote
    , configLocationProperty -> "classpath*:/META-INF/Spring/pu.xml"
    , localViewQueryListProperty -> List[SQLQuery[_]]()

In this example, the test code truly is an integration test - designed to run against a running XAP grid. (Note the reference to pu.xml file, which is available on the test classpath.)

We could as easily have run in-process by using SpaceMode.Embedded. This makes IDE-driven debugging easier, as it does not incur the workflow overhead of setting up a remote agent or debugger. Here’s the code from another working example:

   defaults = Map[String, Any](
     schemaProperty -> "partitioned-sync2backup"
     , numInstancesProperty -> int2Integer(numPartitions)
     , numBackupsProperty -> int2Integer(0)
     , instanceIdProperty -> int2Integer(1) // count begins at 1
     , spaceUrlProperty -> s"/./$spaceName" // spaceName is a class member
     , spaceModeProperty -> SpaceMode.Embedded
     , configLocationProperty -> "classpath*:/META-INF/Spring/pu.xml"
     , localViewQueryListProperty -> List[SQLQuery[_]]()

All SpaceModes supported by XAP are enumerated in the abstract FunSuite class (gisted above). For each mode, corresponding configuration can be provided through the defaults property.

  object SpaceMode extends Enumeration {
    type SpaceMode = Value
    val Embedded, Remote, LocalCache, LocalView = Value

An end-to-end example can be forked from here.


  • Running multiple partitions from within an i10n test cannot be run with a XAP Lite license.
  • The working examples presented here uses gradle as a build tool. The code could as easily be used from sbt or the scalatest maven plugin.