This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.

Environment Variables

The XAP environment configuration is maintained by a configuration script file. This script is located in the <GigaSpaces Root>\bin directory:

  • Windows: setenv.bat
  • UNIX:

Below is a list of some of a selected list of commonly used variables that are defined in this script:

Name Description
JAVA_HOME The directory in which Java is installed.
JAVACCMD The Java compile command variable.
JAVAWCMD The JavaW process.
JSHOMEDIR The GigaSpaces home directory.
LOOKUPGROUPS Jini Lookup Service group.
LOOKUPLOCATORS Jini Lookup Service Locators used for unicast discovery.
NIC_ADDR The NIC_ADDR represents the specific network interface card IP address or the default host name. When using Multi Network-Interface cards, explicitly set it with the NIC address (e.g. as it is the value of the the java.rmi.server.hostname system property. (see RMI_OPTIONS).
GS_JARS The GS_JARS contains the same list as defined in the Class-Path entry of the JSpaces.jar manifest file. These jars are required for client application and starting a Space from within your application.
POLICY The default policy file.
PRODUCTION_MODE Indicates if GigaSpaces Server will be started in Production mode (default to the production mode).
RMI_OPTIONS Additional RMI optional properties such as GC. In a setup for Multi Network-Interface cards please append -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=“%NIC_ADDR%” with proper network-interface IP address to the RMI_OPTIONS
JAVA_VM_NAME Vendor of the JVM (i.e. All, BEA, HP, IBM, Sun, etc.). Default is ALL, meaning general settings.
ECLIPSE_REMOTE_DEBUG For remote Eclipse debugging add the ECLIPSE_REMOTE_DEBUG variable to the application command line.
REMOTE_JMX Enable monitoring and management from remote systems using JMX jconsole.
The default value of the LOOKUPGROUPS variable is the GigaSpaces version number, preceded by XAP. For example, in GigaSpaces XAP 6.0, the default lookup group is gigaspaces-6.0XAP. This is the lookup group which the space and Jini Transaction Manager register with, and which clients use by default to connect to the space.

Using the setenv Utility

It is recommended to use the setenv utility to derive the commonly used GigaSpaces libraries and setup environment. To use this utility, you simply need to call it from your script file.