This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.

Extending the REST Manager API

The REST Manager API is extensible so that custom methods can be added. Developers can implement a plain Java class with JAX-RS annotations.

Sample Implementation

Follow the instructions below to create a sample extension for the REST Manager API:

  1. Create a class and annotate it with
  2. Create a method for each path you wish to intercept, and annotate it with an HTTP operation (e.g. @GET) and a @Path annotation with the relevant path.
  3. Use JAX-RS parameter annotations (e.g. @QueryParam) to map HTTP request parameters to your method.
  4. If you wish to use Admin, create an appropiate field and annotate it with JAX-RS @Context annotation.

For example:

public class BasicPluggableOperationTest {
    @Context Admin admin;

    public String report(@QueryParam("hostname") String hostname) {
        Machine machine = admin.getMachines().getMachineByHostName(hostname);
        return "Custom report: host=" + hostname + 
                ", containers=" + machine.getGridServiceContainers() + 
                ", PU instances=" + machine.getProcessingUnitInstances();

This class maps an HTTP GET operation in the /demo/report path to a report method. It accepts a query parameter, and uses an injected Admin instance to perform user-defined code (in this case, a custom report). For example, http://localhost:8090/v2/demo/report?hostname=mypc.

To run the example, compile it and package it into a .jar file, then copy the .jar to $XAP_HOME/lib/platform/manager/plugins and start the XAP Manager.

Note that some JAX-RS features are not supported - see JAX-RS Support below for detailed information.


When the XAP Manager starts, it scans the $XAP_HOME/lib/platform/manager/plugins for classes in the jar files with the JAX-RS annotations and registers them. You can override the location using the following system property:"pathToJar"


In the example above the method returns a String, and in addition it implicitly returns an HTTP code 200 (OK). If you need to explicitly specify the HTTP result code, use instead of a String.

For example:


public Response report(@QueryParam("hostname") String hostname) {
    Machine machine = admin.getMachines().getMachineByHostName(hostname);
    if (machine == null)
        return Response.status("Host not found").build();    
    String result = "Custom report: host=" + hostname + 
            ", containers=" + machine.getGridServiceContainers() + 
            ", PU instances=" + machine.getProcessingUnitInstances();
    return Response.ok().entity(result).build();

Make sure you use and not JAX-RS Response.


To define security privileges for a custom method, you have to import and, and use @PrivilegeRequired. The @PrivilegeRequired annotation accepts a RestPrivileges enum that corresponds to the Security privileges.

See also:

For more information about security, see the Security Guide.

For example:


public class PluggableSecuredContoller {
    @Context Admin admin;

    public String getBase() {
        return "hello";

JAX-RS Support

The JAX-RS API is used for extension support because it is a well-known standard and commonly used by developers. The sections below list the annotations that are supported, and those that are not supported.

Supported Annotations

The following JAX-RS annotations are supported:

  • HTTP operations: @GET, @PUT, @POST, @DELETE
  • Parameters: @QueryParam, @PathParam, @DefaultValue
    • Supported types: Java primitive types (‘int’, ‘long’, etc.) and String
  • Other: @Context
    • Fields only (No support for constructors or method arguments)
    • Supported types: Admin

Unsupported Annotations

The following JAX-RS annotations are not supported:

  • HTTP operations: @OPTIONS, @HEAD
  • Parameters: @FormParam, @HeaderParam, @CookieParam, @MatrixParam
  • Other: @Consumes, @Produces