This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.

Viewing the Deployed Processing Units

To view information about the deployed Processing Units:

Processing Unit


xap pu list


This command lists all the Processing Units in a table with the Processing Unit name, type, Space, topology, status, file name, state, and number of instances.

Input Example

<XAP-HOME>/bin/xap pu list

Output Example


Parameters and Options


Processing Unit instance


xap pu list-instances <name>


This command lists all of the instances for a given Processing Unit, along with the Instance ID, Host ID, and Container ID.

Input Example

<XAP-HOME>/bin/xap pu list-instances data-feeder

Output Example


Parameters and Options

Item Name Description
Parameter name Name of Processing Unit to list instances for.

All Processing Units


GET /pus


The Processing Units are listed with the name, Processing Unit type, file name, topology, number of instances, SLA information, and additional details.

Example Request

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8090/v2/pus'

Example Response

    "name": "monitorSpace",
    "processingUnitType": "stateful",
    "resource": "datagrid",
    "topology": {
      "instances": 1
    "sla": {
      "requiresIsolation": false,
      "zones": [],
      "maxInstancesPerVM": 0,
      "maxInstancesPerMachine": 0
    "spaces": [
    "scalable": false,
    "status": "intact",
    "quiesceDetails": {
      "quiesced": false,
      "description": "initial"
    "instances": [
    "name": "alertSpace",
    "processingUnitType": "stateful",
    "resource": "datagrid",
    "topology": {
      "instances": 1
    "sla": {
      "requiresIsolation": false,
      "zones": [],
      "maxInstancesPerVM": 0,
      "maxInstancesPerMachine": 0
    "spaces": [
    "scalable": false,
    "status": "intact",
    "quiesceDetails": {
      "quiesced": false,
      "description": "initial"
    "instances": [



Specific Processing Unit


GET /pus/{id}


The given Processing Unit is listed with the name, Processing Unit type, file name, topology, number of instances, SLA information, and additional details.

Example Request

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8090/v2/pus/alertSpace'

Example Response

  "name": "alertSpace",
  "processingUnitType": "stateful",
  "resource": "datagrid",
  "topology": {
    "instances": 1
  "sla": {
    "requiresIsolation": false,
    "zones": [],
    "maxInstancesPerVM": 0,
    "maxInstancesPerMachine": 0
  "spaces": [
  "scalable": false,
  "status": "intact",
  "quiesceDetails": {
    "quiesced": false,
    "description": "initial"
  "instances": [


Option Description Required
pu name Provide the name of the Processing Unit for which you want to see the runtime details. Yes

Processing Unit Instance


GET /pus/{id}/instances/{instanceId


The given Processing Unit Instance is listed with the Instance ID, Processing Unit name, Host ID, Container ID, and Partition ID, and Backup ID.

Example Request

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8090/v2/pus/alertPu/instances/alertPu~1'

Example Response

  "id": "alertPu~1",
  "processingUnitName": "alertPu",
  "hostId": "admin",
  "containerId": "admin~13972",
  "partitionId": 0,
  "backupId": 0


Option Description Required
pu name Provide the name of the Processing Unit for which you want to see the runtime details. Yes
instanceId Provide the instanceId of the Processing Unit for which you want to see the runtime details. Yes

You can see the following Processing Unit details in the main Processing Units view:

Item Description
Name Name of the Processing Unit. Expand the Processing Unit node to view the name of the Processing Unit instance, and below that the Space name.
Status Current status of the Processing Unit:
  • Intact - the Processing Unit was successfully deployed and is operating normally.
  • Scheduled - the Processing Unit was not yet successfully deployed, but an additional attempt will be made.
  • Compromised - the Processing Unit is no longer intact, but has not yet completed the undeploy process.
  • Broken - the Processing Unit could not be deployed.
Type Indicates whether the Processing Unit is stateful or stateless.
Host Name Name of the machine hosting the Processing Unit instance.
PID Process ID of the Processing Unit instance.
Application Client application that is running, if applicable.
Zones If configured, the zone where the Processing Unit is located.
CPU Amount of CPU resources being used by the Processing Unit instance, in percent.
Used Heap Amount of JVM heap being used by the Processing Unit instance, in MB (% of allocated heap).

If the Space is highlighted, you can click the Actions icon and drill through to the Spaces view to see the Space details.

Refer to the GigaSpaces Management Center topics in the Administration section.

Refer to the Admin API topics in the Developers Guide.