This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.

Quiesce Command Line

See also:

For more information please refer to the Quiesce documentation

XAP allows putting a processing unit in quiesce mode (a.k.a maintenance mode). The quiesce mode can be invoked via the CLI. This page explains the usage of the CLI commands.

Interacting with a Secured Grid

In order to interact with a secured grid you need to login first. See Using the CLI in a Secured Environment.

Quiesce A Processing Unit


gs> quiesce [options] PU_NAME
curl -X POST  url PU_NAME quiesce


Sends a quiesce request to the GSM for the provided processing unit’s name.

One option is to specify the processing unit’s name in the command:

gs> quiesce -description some description myPU
Locating processing unit with name [myPU]
Sending quiesce request...
Waiting up to 300 seconds until the processing unit [myPU] is quiesced
Quiesce command completed successfully [token=ee16f577-92df-430b-afc7-2dd9f2c16998]

Another option is to run the command in interactive way; First it will look for deployed processing units and then you can choose one from the list:

gs> quiesce
Locating processing units ...
Total processing units: 1
[1] myPU
Choose a processing unit or "c" to cancel: 1
Enter new value, or press ENTER for the default
    Quiesce description []: the description
    Timeout in seconds [300]: 
Locating processing unit with name [myPU]
Sending quiesce request...
Waiting up to 300 seconds until the processing unit [myPU] is quiesced
Quiesce command completed successfully [token=ee16f577-92df-430b-afc7-2dd9f2c16998]

Option Description Value Format
-description The quiesce request description -description [description]
-timeout Timeout for quiesce operation -timeout [timeout in seconds]
-help Prints help

Unquiesce A Processing Unit


gs> unquiesce [options] PU_NAME
curl -X POST  url PU_NAME unquiesce


Sends an unquiesce request to the GSM for the provided processing unit’s name.

Like the quiesce command, the unquiesce command can be executed with a processing unit name;

gs> unquiesce -description some description myPU
Locating processing unit with name [myPU]
Sending unquiesce request...
Waiting up to 300 seconds until the processing unit [myPU] is unquiesced
Unquiesce command completed successfully

Or run it in interactive mode:

gs> unquiesce
Locating processing units ...
Total processing units: 1
[1] myPU
Choose a processing unit or "c" to cancel: 1
Enter new value, or press ENTER for the default
    Unquiesce description []: the description
    Timeout in seconds [300]: 
Locating processing unit with name [myPU]
Sending unquiesce request...
Waiting up to 300 seconds until the processing unit [myPU] is unquiesced
Unquiesce command completed successfully
Option Description Value Format
-description The unquiesce request description -description [description]
-timeout Timeout for unquiesce operation -timeout [timeout in seconds]
-help Prints help