This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.

Viewing Space Runtime Information

To view the Space runtime information:



xap space list


This command lists all the Spaces in a table with their Space name, Processing Unit name, cluster topology, number of actual/planned Space instances, and Instance ID.

Input Example:

<XAP-HOME>/bin/xap space list

Output Example:


Parameters and Options:


Space Instance


xap space list-instances <name>


The Space instances for the given Space are listed with their Instance ID, Mode, Host ID, and Container ID.

Input Example:

<XAP-HOME>/bin/xap space list-instances mySpace

Output Example:


Parameters and Options:

Item Name Description
Parameter name Provide the name of the Space for which to list the instances.

All Spaces


GET /spaces


The Spaces are listed with the Space name, Processing Unit name, cluster topology, number of Space instances, and Instance IDs.

Example Request:

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8090/v2/spaces'

Example Response:

    "name": "monitorSpace",
    "processingUnitName": "monitorSpace",
    "topology": {
      "instances": 1
    "instancesIds": [
    "name": "alertSpace",
    "processingUnitName": "alertSpace",
    "topology": {
      "instances": 1
    "instancesIds": [
    "name": "mySpace",
    "processingUnitName": "mySpace",
    "topology": {
      "instances": 1
    "instancesIds": [



Specific Space


GET /spaces/{id}/instances


The given Space is listed with the Space name, Processing Unit name, cluster topology, number of Space instances, and Instance ID.

Example Request:

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8090/v2/spaces/alertSpace/instances'

Example Response:

    "id": "alertSpace~1",
    "mode": "PRIMARY",
    "partitionId": 0,
    "backupId": 0,
    "hostId": "admin",
    "containerId": "admin~13972"


Option Description Required
space name Provide the name of the Space for which you want to see the runtime details. Yes

Specific Space Instance


GET /spaces/{id}/instances{instanceId}


The given Space instance is listed with the Instance ID, Mode, Partition ID, Backup ID, Host ID, and Container ID.

Example Request:

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8090/v2/spaces/alertSpace/instances/alertSpace~1'

Example Response:

  "id": "alertSpace~1",
  "mode": "PRIMARY",
  "partitionId": 0,
  "backupId": 0,
  "hostId": "admin",
  "containerId": "admin~13972"


Option Description Required
space name Provide the name of the Space for which you want to see the runtime details. Yes
space Id Provide the ID of the Space for which you want to see the runtime details. Yes

You can see the following high-level Space details in the main Spaces view:

Item Description
Space Name of the Space.
Processing Unit Name of the associated Processing Unit.
Application Name of the client application using the Space.
Actual Instances Number of Space instances in the cluster.
SLA Space cluster topology (number of instances, number of backups).
Used Heap (MB) Amount of memory currently being used, in MB and as a percentage of the total memory allocated to this Space.
Used Off-Heap Cache (MB) (RocksDB storage driver only) Amount of off-heap memory currently being used for caching, in MB and as a percentage of the total off-heap memory allocated.
Used Off-Heap (MB) (Off-heap storage driver only) Amount of off-heap memory currently being used, in MB and as a percentage of the total memory allocated for the blobstore.
Entries Number of data entries to the Space.
Notify Templates Number of Notify templates for this Space.
Connections Number of currently connected clients.
Active Transactions Number of transactions that are now active.

Click the arrow in the right-hand column of the Space entry to drill through to the following additional details:

Item Description
Space Instance Name Name of the Space instance in the cluster.
PU Instance Name Name of the Processing Unit instance where the Space instance is located.
PID Process ID of the Space instance.
Host IP IP address of the host machine.
Total Memory (MB) Amount of memory currently being used, in MB and as a percentage of the total memory allocated to this Space instance.
Entries Number of data entries to the Space instance.
Notify Templates Number of Notify templates for this Space instance.
Connections Number of currently connected clients.
Active Transactions Number of transactions that are now active.

Refer to the GigaSpaces Management Center topics in the Administration section.

Refer to the Admin API topics in the Developer Guide.