This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.


XAP makes logging calls by use of the Java platform’s core logging facilities. For more information on the JDK logging framework, please refer to the following online documentation: Java Logging Overview.


The logging configuration is initialized using a logging configuration file that is read at startup. This logging configuration file is in the standard java.util.Properties format. It configures custom versions of both java.util.logging.Handler and java.util.logging.Formatter, and default levels for frequently used loggers (categories).

Default Configuration

The default XAP logger configuration file is located under:


Overriding the Default Configuration

The configuration defined in the file may be overridden by either using system properties or by providing an external configuration file with overrides. This external configuration file should be located in the classpath under:


Any configuration that you wish to override in file, should appear in with its new value. The same applies for system properties, e.g.

Defining System Properties when Starting GSCs, GSMs and other runtime components

The recommended way to define system properties when starting service grid components is to wrap the original script, e.g. with a wrapper script which include the EXT_JAVA_OPTIONS variable. The script which is used by these components will pick these options automatically and use them as JVM arguments.

Overriding the Configuration File

Your own configuration file may also be used instead of the platform’s default. This is done by setting the configuration file location using a system property:

XAP scripts rely on the exported environment variable GS_LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE (declared in <XAP-HOME>/bin/setenv script). The preferred way to apply your override file is to use a wrapper script: export the new setting of this variable and call the original script. This ensures that when is called from within the platform’s scripts, it will pick up the override.

# unix


Provided that your application initializes the logging facility via the Logging API (e.g. LogManager.readConfiguration(InputStream ins)), you may wish to disable the XAP configuration altogether. Once disabled, your Java logging settings will take place. This is done with the following system property:


To troubleshoot and detect which logging properties file was loaded and from which location, set the following system property to true. This property already exists in the scripts (for convenience) and by default is set to false.


XAP out of the box configures logging with two log Handlers,

  • java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler: A simple handler for writing formatted output to System.err (level is set to ALL)
  • com.gigaspaces.logger.RollingFileHandler: A handler that writes formatted output to a file that rolls over if a certain policy is triggered. see Managing Log Files

Java util logging supports other handlers. MemoryHandler, SocketHandler or any other handler can be used instead of the above. More information about handlers is here. You can also use one of the open source logging frameworks that support java.util.logging.


Formatters are in charge of formatting the log messages and adding meta data to them (date, time, level, etc). XAP configures the logging Handler’s formatter property with a single Formatter implementation class: com.gigaspaces.logger.GSSimpleFormatter. This formatter class is based on thejava.util.logging.SimpleFormatter` class. see Formatting Log Messages for more details.

Exception visibility

XAP prints exception stack traces for messages with level SEVERE or higher.

com.gigaspaces.exceptions.level = SEVERE

Messages with lower levels with only be logged with the exception’s toString() value. To force the logger to print the stack trace of exception with lower levels, such as Level WARNING for example, set the com.gigaspaces.exceptions.level property to WARNING.

Note that if the exception is a java.lang.RuntimeException its stack trace will always be logged, regardless of the level definition.

Logging Management at Runtime

It is possible to change various logger level settings while the system is up and running without the need to restart it. This can be very useful in production environments when the system needs to be troubleshooted, but at the same time cannot be restarted.

You can do so by connecting to the JMX Bean of the Java logging facility via JConsole for example. You can start JConsole for a specific running GSC or GSM using the XAP Management Center (<GigaSpaces>\bin\ To change the logging level in JConsole do the following:

  1. Traverse to the MBeans tab
  2. Expand the java.util.logging tree node and locate the Logging tree node
  3. Select the Operations tab
  4. Type the logger’s name and level for the arguments of the setLoggerLevel() method. For example, If you want to change com.gigaspaces.exceptions.level level to WARNING, use setLoggerLevel(com.gigaspaces.exceptions, WARNING).

Note, you will need to use the logging level without the .level string e.g.: com.gigaspaces.core.cluster.replication and set value FINE

The LoggingMXBean enables you to:

  • Get the name of the log level associated with the specified logger
  • Get the list of currently registered loggers
  • Get the name of the parent for the specified logger
  • Sets the specified logger to the specified new level

Logging Level

The logging level class defines a set of standard logging levels that can be used to control logging output. The logging level are ordered and are specified by ordered integers/constants.


Enabling logging at a given level also enables logging at all higher levels.

The supported logging levels in descending order are:

  • SEVERE (highest value)
  • INFO
  • FINE
  • FINEST (lowest value)

In addition, there is a level OFF that can be used to turn off logging, and a level ALL that can be used to enable logging of all messages.

Logging Categories

The following logging categories are supported:

  • Client
  • Communication Protocol
  • Class Loader
  • Space (Caching, Query, Replication, etc)
  • Runtime (GCC, GSM, etc)
  • Security
  • Web Container
  • Mule Integration
  • Management

For each category there are various logger name you should use when configuring the logging level. See file for exact logger name supported for each category. You can find all logger names also at the com.gigaspaces.logger.Constants class.

Here are the different modules , their logging names and their default logging level:

Client General

com.gigaspaces.client.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.client.cluster.liveness.level = INFO

GigaSpaces Client can be another component or application that connects to a GigaSpaces cluster. Liveness check is a functionality that runs inside a GigaSpaces proxy (usually held by a client connecting to a space) to keep track of the cluster members. Additional info about GigaSpaces proxy can be found here


The logging configuration file includes declarations of the loggers available at the bridge between .NET and Java.

com.gigaspaces.externaldatasource.dotnet.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.bridge.dispatcher.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.bridge.pbsexecuter.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.dotnet.pu.level = INFO


The logging configuration file includes declarations of the C++ Java Proxy logger, which logs info such as exceptions and JVM creation.

com.gigaspaces.cpp.proxy.level = INFO


org.openspaces.level = INFO

OpenSpaces wraps the core product with Spring which enables Spring configuration and Spring life cycle to XAP applications.

org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.context.ProcessingUnitWebApplicationContext.level = WARNING


GigaSpaces Spring application logging

com.gigaspaces.spring.level = WARNING


org.hibernate.level = WARNING


com.gigaspaces.jms.level = INFO

Comunication Protocol

com.gigaspaces.lrmi.nio.filters.SSLFilterFactory.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.lrmi.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.lrmi.stubcache.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.lrmi.context.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.lrmi.marshal.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.lrmi.watchdog.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.lrmi.classloading.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.lrmi.slow_consumer.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.lrmi.exporter.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.lrmi.communication.transport.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.lrmi.communication.manager.level = INFO = INFO = INFO = INFO

Class Loader

com.gigaspaces.core.classloadercleaner.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.core.classloadercache.level = INFO

XAP applications are running as part of a XAP runtime container and packaged using the structure described here. Application jars/classes are packaged in different folders and some of the classes could be loaded as part of GigaSpaces container (GSC’s). There are multiple class loaders involved when an application is running. More information about the class loaders and their hierarchy is here.


Core & Kernel

com.gigaspaces.core.engine.level = INFO = INFO
com.gigaspaces.core.types.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.memory-manager.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.kernel.level = CONFIG
com.gigaspaces.core.common.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.core.config.level = CONFIG
com.gigaspaces.container.level = INFO

Core runtime for the space component of GigaSpaces, above loggers relate to this component and some aspects of this engine including, lease, object types and Memory Manager.


com.gigaspaces.filters.level = INFO

Space filters are described here Java version | .Net version


com.gigaspaces.persistent.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.persistent.shared_iterator.level = INFO
org.hibernate.level = WARNING

GigaSpaces persistence options are explained here Java version | .Net version . One of the packaged External Data Source implementations uses Hibernate and it is called Hibernate External Data Source which is described here.


com.gigaspaces.query.level = INFO

GigaSpaces supports SQL queries on the data in space and logger corresponds to this functionality Java version | .Net version .

LRU and Eviction

com.gigaspaces.cache.level = INFO

More information about LRU policy and Eviction behavior is here


com.gigaspaces.core.notify.level = INFO

Notifications are a mechanism that can be used to identify events related to space data (write, update, take, etc). Notifications are typically used with a Notify Container. Another way notifications can be used is thru Session based messaging which is discussed here.


com.gigaspaces.core.fifo.level = INFO

FIFO functionality is applicable for writes, reads and events (notifications) and discussed here Java version | .Net version .


com.gigaspaces.core.cluster.replication.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.core.cluster.replication.redolog.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.core.cluster.sync_replication.level = INFO

When a cluster topology is replicated, replication functionality is enabled. More information about topologies is here. Replication between spaces is one of the core features of GigaSpaces and is explained in detail here.


com.gigaspaces.core.cluster.partition.level = INFO

When cluster uses partitioned topology, data is partitioned across multiple instances of spaces. More information about topologies is here.


com.gigaspaces.cluster.active_election.level = INFO

When multiple instances (primary/backup(s)), Active Election process is used by cluster members to determine which member acts as a primary. Additional information regarding active election process is here.


com.gigaspaces.pojo.level = INFO

Logger corresponding to GigaSpaces POJO support, more info here.

XA manager

com.gigaspaces.core.xa.level = INFO

Logger corresponding to XA Transaction manager running in the space, more information here Java version | .Net version .

Jini Dist. TX manager

com.sun.jini.mahalo.startup.level = INFO
com.sun.jini.mahalo.destroy.level = INFO

Logger for Jini Distributed Transaction manager, more information here Java version | .Net version .

SpaceURL, SpaceValidator, SpaceURLParser

com.gigaspaces.common.spaceurl.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.common.spacefinder.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.common.lookupfinder.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.common.resourceloader.level = INFO

SpaceURL and its constraints are explained here Java version | .Net version . Other loggers are related to this and applicable when a client trying to create a space proxy using a URL.

Multicast Notifications

com.gigaspaces.worker.multicast.level = INFO

Space notifications support multicast mode and this logger corresponds to this functionality


Service Container - General = FINE = INFO
com.gigaspaces.start.level = CONFIG
com.gigaspaces.grid.lookup.level = INFO = INFO

Lookup Service

com.gigaspaces.core.lookupmanager.level = INFO
com.sun.jini.reggie.level = INFO
net.jini.discovery.LookupLocatorDiscovery.level = INFO
net.jini.lookup.ServiceDiscoveryManager.level = INFO
net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscovery.level = INFO
net.jini.lookup.JoinManager.level = INFO
net.jini.config.level = WARNING
com.sun.jini.start.service.starter.level = INFO
com.sun.jini.thread.TaskManager.level = INFO

Lookup Service is a runtime registry of GigaSpaces components. Each component registers itself to a LUS thereby providing visibility to other components. For e.g., a GSM discovers a GSC by looking at an entry in LUS and GSC discovers a GSM similarly. More information about LUS is here.


com.gigaspaces.grid.gsm.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.grid.gsm.peer.level = INFO = INFO
com.gigaspaces.grid.gsm.provision.level = INFO = INFO
com.gigaspaces.grid.gsm.service-instances.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.grid.gsm.selector.level = INFO = INFO

GSM manages the applications and maintains the SLA’s of deployments. More information about GSM is here.


com.gigaspaces.grid.gsc.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.grid.gsc.GSCFaultDetectionHandler.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.grid.gsm.GSMFaultDetectionHandler.level = INFO
org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.PUFaultDetectionHandler.level = INFO

GSC is the runtime environment for GigaSpaces applications. More information about GSC’s is here.


org.openspaces.grid.esm.level = INFO

Elastic Service Manager (ESM) is an implementation of the Elastic Middleware Services. It is built on-top of the existing administrative API exposed by the GigaSpaces components. See The Elastic Service Manager page for more details.


com.gigaspaces.grid.gsa.level = INFO

The GigaSpaces Agent (GSA) acts as a process manager that can spawn and manage Service Grid processes (Operating System level processes) such as The GigaSpaces Manager (GSM), The GigaSpaces Container (GSC), and Lookup Service (LUS). More information regarding GSA can be found here.

Replication = INFO = INFO
com.gigaspaces.replication.replica.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.replication.node.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.replication.router.level = INFO = INFO
com.gigaspaces.replication.backlog.level = INFO


com.gigaspaces.metrics.manager.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.metrics.registry.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.metrics.sampler.level = INFO

Security = INFO

Logger corresponding to security of GigaSpaces components. This includes configuration and runtime execution of security functionality. More information regarding GigaSpaces security is here.

Web Container

Any web application default logging level (logger name for them is web.[processing unit name].[instance id])

web.level = INFO
org.mortbay.level = WARNING

Web application support in XAP is provided using a Jetty container. These loggers correspond to Web Container. More information about GigaSpaces Web Application support is here.

Mule Integration

org.mule.level = WARNING
org.mule.MuleServer.level = INFO
org.mule.RegistryContext.level = INFO
org.openspaces.esb.mule.level = WARNING

These loggers correspond to Mule integration. More information about Mule integration is here, Mule ESB and Mule Processing Unit


For GUI, browser, cluster view, JMX logging:

com.gigaspaces.admin.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.admin.ui.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.admin.ui.cluster.view.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.admin.ui.spacebrowser.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.admin.cli.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.jmx.level = INFO

Loggers corresponding to XAPs Management Console/UI. Additional information regarding UI can be found here.


For Persistence:

com.gigaspaces.persistent.level = INFO
com.gigaspaces.persistent.shared_iterator.level = INFO