This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.

Scala Task Execution

A wrapper around the XAP API provides some sugaring on top of the GigaSpace#execute methods.


Import org.openspaces.scala.core.ScalaGigaSpacesImplicits.ScalaEnhancedGigaSpaceWrapper into scope to use the methods demonstrated below.

Some examples:

/** Import GigaSpace implicits into scope */
import org.openspaces.scala.core.ScalaGigaSpacesImplicits._


gigaSpace write Data(id = 1, routing = 2, data = "some data")
gigaSpace write Data(id = 2, routing = 3, data = "some other data")

val asyncFuture1 = gigaSpace.execute { gigaSpace: GigaSpace =>
  gigaSpace.readById(classOf[Data], 1l)

println("Execute1 result: " + asyncFuture1.get())

val asyncFuture2 = gigaSpace.execute(
  { gigaSpace: GigaSpace => } /* map */,
  { results: Seq[AsyncResult[String]] => { _.getResult() }.mkString } /* reduce */

println("Map reduce result: " + asyncFuture2.get())