This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.


GigaSpaces XAP Java edition is 100% pure Java based, and therefore can run on any UNIX or Windows machine that supports Java.

Prior to Installation

Prior to the XAP installation, make sure:

  • Review the release notes for the supported platforms.
  • JDK (6 or later) is installed
  • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the JDK (not JRE) directory (for example, D:\java\jdk1.7.0_70).
  • Set the PATH environment variable to include JAVA_HOME\bin (for example, %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%
  • Optional: The network and machines running GigaSpaces are configured to enable multicast (see the Multicast Configuration for more information).
  • Optional: Set the XAP_NIC_ADDRESS environment variable to the machine’s IP address on each machine running XAP.

Use a JDK and not JRE - Have a JDK (Java Development Kit) installed and not a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) on each machine running XAP.


Unzip the ZIP file using your favorite unzip tool to the location of your choice:


Unzipping the file creates a <XAP_HOME> directory (e.g. gigaspaces-xap-open-12.1.1-ga-b17100.).

  • We recommend avoiding paths with spaces (such as C:\Program Files) to avoid complications later on.
  • Linux users - Make sure all sh files in the /bin and the /examples directory are in executable mode, so you can run them from your machine. To check this, use the ls \-all command for the relevant directory, and make sure that x is included in the file permissions.

What’s Next?

Important Tips

Before you begin working with GigaSpaces, it is recommended to review the Performance Tuning and Considerations sections and apply the required changes. For example, you may need to update the max file descriptors limit before you begin.

See also:

The recommendation is to review at least the following sections: