This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.


The XAP interface fully supports POJOs. In terms of preconditions, your POJO classes need to follow the JavaBeans conventions, i.e. have a no-argument constructor, and declare a getter and setter to every field you want saved on the Space. The POJO class does not have to implement, but its properties must. The reason for this, is that the POJOs fields are extracted when written to the Space, and stored in a special tuple format that enables the Space to index and analyze them more easily. Therefore the actual POJO is not sent over the network, but rather its properties.


When writing POJOs to the Space, you can provide some metadata about the POJO’s class to the space, using Java 5 annotations, or an XML configuration. This overview uses annotation to provide metadata. For a complete reference to POJO annotations and XML configuration, refer to the POJO Metadata section.

Here is an overview of the most commonly used POJO annotations:

  • @SpaceClass: Class level annotation - not mandatory. Used to mark a class that is written to the space (by default if you write a class to the space, it is marked as such automatically). Use this when you would like to provide additional metadata at the class level, such as whether or not this class is persisted to a database if Persistency is configured on the Space.

  • @SpaceId: The identifier property of the POJO. This property uniquely identifies the POJO within the space, and is similar to a primary key in a database. You can choose between an application-generated ID (autoGenerate=false), and an automatically-generated ID (autoGenerate=true).

  • @SpaceProperty: Defines various attributes related to a POJO property - the null value if you are using a primitive property (e.g. nullValue=-1), and whether they should be indexed for faster querying (index=BASIC).

  • @SpaceVersion: The version property of the POJO - optional. Defines a property to be used to indicate the version of the instance (used to implement optimistic locking).

  • @SpaceRouting: The routing property for the POJO. In a partitioned space, this controls how instances of a certain class are distributed across the partitions. When two instances (even of different classes), have the same value for their routing property, they end up in the same partition.

You can define space classes metadata by class and field level decorations. These can be defined via annotations or XML configurations files (gs.xml file).

See also:

Modeling your Data


When using annotations and the gs.xml file to define metadata, the metadata in the gs.xml will be used and the annotations will be ignored. It is not recommended to use the two metadata definitions for a space class at the same time.

Primitives or Wrapper Classes for POJO Properties?

XAP supports both primitives (int, long, double, float, etc.), and primitive wrappers (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double, etc.). In general, it is recommended that you use the primitive wrapper. This enables you to use the null values as a wildcard when using template matching.

If you use primitives make sure you define the following for your POJO class:

  • The null value for the property - since primitive types are not nullable, you have to indicate to the space a value that is treated as null. This is important for template matching (see below), where null values are considered as wildcards, and do not restrict the search.
  • It is recommended that the initial value (assigned in the constructor) for this field matches the null value. This enables you to quickly create new instances, and use them as templates for template matching, without changing any property except the ones you want to use for matching.

Here is a sample POJO class:

public class Person {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private String lastName;
    private int age;

    public Person() {}

    public Integer getId() { return id;}

    public void setId(Integer id) { = id; }

    public String getLastName() { return lastName; }

    public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; }

    public int getAge(){ return age; }


POJO Rules

When using a POJO as a space domain class, follow these guidelines:

  • A POJO class must implement a default (zero argument) constructor.
  • Getter/setter methods for fields that you want to be persisted in the space.

  • Non-primitive fields must implement Serializable. For example, if you are using a POJO class that contains a nested class.

  • Primitive boolean should not be used as a POJO field as this could lead to problems when using template based matching. Boolean should be used instead.

  • A POJO class should have space class metadata decorations using annotations or a gs.xml file with relevant metadata (indexes, version field, FIFO mode, persistency mode, primary key (i.e. id)). If neither are provided, the defaults are presumed. (The default settings might not always match your needs.)

  • The ID field can be determined using the @SpaceId annotation or the id tag.

  • The SpaceId field can be java.lang.String type or any other type that implements the toString() which provides a unique value.

  • The @Spaceid annotation or id tag must be declared when performing update operations.

  • A POJO class must implement the Serializable interface if used as a parameter for a remote call (Space Based Remoting).

Controlling Space Class Fields Introduction

To force GigaSpaces to ignore a POJO field when the space class is introduced to the space you should use one of the following:

  • Use the @SpaceExclude annotation on the getter method for the fields you don’t want to be included as part of the space class.
  • Use the @SpaceClass(includeProperties=IncludeProperties.EXPLICIT) class level annotation and use the @SpaceProperty() with each getter method for fields you would like to be considered as part of the space class.

Space POJO Class metadata data file

POJO space mapping files gs.xml files can be loaded from:

  • <CLASSPATH>\config\mapping folder, or
  • The same package where the class file is located using the format <<Class Name>>.gs.xml.

User Defined Space Class Fields

You may have user defined data types (non-primitive data types) with your Space class. These should implement the Serializable or Externalizable interface. The user defined class nested fields can be used with queries and can be indexed. See the Nested Properties and the Nested Properties Indexing section for details.

Reference Handling

When running in embedded mode, Space object fields are passed by reference to the space. Extra caution should be taken with non-primitive none mutable fields such as collections (HashTable, Vector). Changes made to those fields outside the context of the space will impact the value of those fields in the space and may result in unexpected behavior.

For example, index lists aren’t maintained because the space is unaware of the modified field values. For those fields it is recommended to pass a cloned value rather then the reference itself. Passing a cloned value is important when several threads access the Object fields - for example application threads and replication threads.

Non-Indexed Fields

Non-Indexed fields that are not used for queries should be placed within a user defined class (payload object) and have their getter and setter placed within the payload class. This improves the read/write performance since these fields would not be introduced to the space class model.


Indexing is critical for good performance over large spaces. Don’t forget to index properly with the @SpaceIndex(type=SpaceIndexType.BASIC) or @SpaceIndex(type=SpaceIndexType.EXTENDED) annotation or use the gs.xml equivalent.

Jini Entry


GigaSpace POJO should not implement the net.jini.core.entry.Entry interface. When doing so a different handling performed for the object ignoring all GigaSpace POJO annotations/xml decorations.