This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.


GigaSpaces XAP security was designed with customization in mind - since there are numerous security standards and practices, users can either use the built in security features in the product or customize them to their own needs.

The following security aspects can be customized:

This section assumes that you are familiar with the Security Basics, and more specifically with Security Configurations. Before implementing custom security from scratch, consider the following alternatives:

Packaging and Classpath

The most common scenario is for all services to share the same custom security. This is easily accomplished by placing the custom implementation classes in the lib/optional/security directory.

You can use a different directory by configuring the system property.

<XAP root>/lib/optional/security/my-custom-security.jar

Processing units may share a custom security implementation that may +differ+ from that of the GSM and GSCs. In this case, the custom security jar can be placed under pu-common.

<XAP root>/lib/optional/pu-common/my-pu-custom-security.jar

If each processing unit has its own custom security implementation, the custom security jar can be part of the processing unit distribution.

<XAP root>/deploy/hello-processor/lib/my-processor-custom-security.jar
It is recommended that the custom security jar should only contain security-related classes.