This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.

Consistency Biased

In this mode the Active Election process requires that a quorum of Zookeeper nodes, each space instance is elected as primary/backup according to the Zookeeper right image.

What is Zookeeper?

ZooKeeper is a distributed, hierarchical file system that facilitates loose coupling between clients and provides an eventually consistent view of its znodes, which are like files and directories in a traditional file system. It provides basic operations such as creating, deleting, and checking existence of znodes, also It provides an event-driven model in which clients can watch for changes to specific znodes. ZooKeeper achieves high availability by running multiple ZooKeeper servers, called an ensemble, with each server holding an in-memory copy of the distributed file system to service client read requests. Each server also holds a persistent copy on disk. ZooKeeper is already used by Apache HBase, HDFS, and other Apache Hadoop projects to provide highly-available services.

Zookeeper leader selector

XAP is using Apache Curator leader selector recipe which implements a distributed lock with notifications mechanism using Zookeeper.


  • A znode, say “/participants/partitionX”
  • All participants of the election process create an ephemeral-sequential node on the same election path.
  • The node with the smallest sequence number is the leader.
  • Each “follower” node listens to the node with the next lower seq number.
  • Upon leader removal go to election path and find a new leader, or become the leader if it has the lowest sequence number.
  • Upon session expiration (disconnection) check the election state and go to election if needed, in case of disconnection the primary space instance is moved to Quiese mode and will be restarted.


The first step is to configure and run Zookeeper servers.

Then add to your pu.xml the following leader-selector configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

   <leader-selector:zookeeper id="zookeeper"/>

    <os-core:embedded-space id="space" name="mySpace">
        <os-core:leader-selector ref="zookeeper"/>

   <os-core:giga-space id="gigaSpace" space="space" />


Property Description Default Use
connection-timeout curator connection timeout. 15000 millisecond optional
session-timeout curator session timeout 10000 millisecond optional
session-timeout curator session timeout 10000 millisecond optional
retries curator number of retries. Operations on a ZooKeeper cluster can fail. Best practices dictate that these operations should be retried. Curator has a Retry Loop mechanism. 10 optional
sleep-between-retries curator sleep between retrie 1000 millisecond optional

Partition Split-Brain

Zookeeper leader selector avoids split-brain instances, through quorum, If the primary is not in the majority, that primary is frozen(or Quiesce) until the network is connected and the frozen primary is terminated automatically.