This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.

RocksDB Add-On Configuration

The RocksDB based MemoryXtend add-on allows configuring the DBOptions and ColumnFamilyOptions that control the behavior of the database.


XAP uses the default DBOptions class

See also:

A list of configuration properties can be found in the org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface Java docs.

Property Description Value
createIfMissing Configure whether to create the database if it is missing. Note that this value is always overriden with true. true
maxBackgroundCompactions Specifies the maximum number of concurrent background compaction jobs, submitted to the default LOW priority thread pool.
If you’re increasing this, also consider increasing number of threads in LOW priority thread pool
maxBackgroundFlushes Specifies the maximum number of concurrent background flush jobs.
If you’re increasing this, also consider increasing number of threads in HIGH priority thread pool.
maxOpenFiles Number of open files that can be used by the DB. You may need to increase this if your database has a large working set. Value -1 means files opened are always kept open. -1
tableFormatConfig Set the config for table format.
Default is BlockBasedTableConfig with
  • noBlockCache = opposite of useCache
  • blockCacheSize = cacheSize
  • blockSize = blockSize
  • filter = BloomFilter(10,false)
  • formatVersion = 0
The highlighted values are taken from the rocksdb-blob-store namespace / RocksDBBlobStoreConfigurer if provided, otherwise the following defaults will be used:
  • useCache = true
  • cacheSize = 100MB
  • blockSize = 16KB
If a custom tableFormatConfig is provided, the values from the namespace/configurer are ignored.


Below are the values for the default class

See also:

A list of configuration properties can be found in the org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface Java docs.

Property Description Value
writeBufferSize Amount of data to build up in memory (backed by an unsorted log on disk)
before converting to a sorted on-disk file. Should be in bytes.
64 MB
levelZeroSlowdownWritesTrigger Soft limit on number of level-0 files. We start slowing down writes at this point.
A value < 0 means that no writing slow down will be triggered by number of files in level-0.
maxWriteBufferNumber The maximum number of write buffers that are built up in memory. 4
targetFileSizeBase The target file size for compaction, should be in bytes. 64 MB
softRateLimit The soft-rate-limit of a compaction score for put delay. 0
hardRateLimit The hard-rate-limit of a compaction score for put delay. 0
levelCompactionDynamicLevelBytes If true, RocksDB will pick target size of each level dynamically. false
maxBytesForLevelBase The upper-bound of the total size of level-1 files in bytes. 512 MB
compressionPerLevel Sets the compression policy for each level [NO_COMPRESSION,
mergeOperatorName Set the merge operator to be used for merging two merge operands of the same key. put
fsync By default, each write returns after the data is pushed into the operating system. The transfer from operating system memory to the underlying persistent storage happens asynchronously. When configuring sync to true each write operation not return until the data being written has been pushed all the way to persistent storage.
This parameter should be set to true while storing data to filesystem like ext3 that can lose files after a reboot.
Default is false. If this property is set, the fsync that is passed to the rocksdb-blob-store namespace/RocksDBBlobStoreConfigurer (if any) will be ignored.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean id="dbOptions" class="com.gigaspaces.blobstore.rocksdb.config.XAPDBOptions">
        <!-- This will override the default of 8 -->
        <property name="maxBackgroundCompactions" value="4" />
        <property name="maxBackgroundFlushes" value="4" />
    <bean id="dataColumnFamilyOptions" class="com.gigaspaces.blobstore.rocksdb.config.XAPColumnFamilyOptions">
        <property name="maxBytesForLevelMultiplier" value="20"/>

    <blob-store:rocksdb-blob-store id="myBlobStore" fsync="false"
        cache-size-mb="100" block-size-kb="16"
        db-options="dbOptions" data-column-family-options="dataColumnFamilyOptions"
        paths="[/tmp/rocksdb,/tmp/rocksdb2]" mapping-dir="/tmp/mapping"/>

    <os-core:embedded-space id="space" name="mySpace" >
        <os-core:blob-store-data-policy blob-store-handler="myBlobStore"/>

    <os-core:giga-space id="gigaSpace" space="space"/>
RocksDBBlobStoreConfigurer configurer = new RocksDBBlobStoreConfigurer()

XAPDBOptions dbOptions = new XAPDBOptions();
configurer.setDBOptions(dbOptions); // optional

XAPColumnFamilyOptions dataColumnFamilyOptions = new XAPColumnFamilyOptions();
configurer.setDataColumnFamilyOptions(dataColumnFamilyOptions); // optional

RocksDBBlobStoreHandler rocksDBBlobStoreHandler = configurer.create();

BlobStoreDataCachePolicy cachePolicy = new BlobStoreDataCachePolicy();

EmbeddedSpaceConfigurer embeddedSpaceConfigurer = new EmbeddedSpaceConfigurer("mySpace");

gigaSpace = new GigaSpaceConfigurer(;