This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.

XAP Over a Firewall

In many scenarios, you need to set up XAP in environments which have a firewall running. This section provides XAPs configuration recommendations for several firewall topologies:

  • Basic configuration: XAP cluster (GSM and GSCs) running behind the firewall, with clients connecting through the firewall. Multicast traffic is allowed behind the firewall and unicast-only traffic comes from the clients through the firewall.

Basic configuration, suitable for most scenarios, requires mandatory setting of the following properties (these system property settings are described below):

- com.gigaspaces.start.httpPort
- com.sun.jini.reggie.initialUnicastDiscoveryPort
  • Same topology as above: All cluster components and clients communicate over unicast only. Multicast traffic is prohibited.
  • The firewall divides XAP cluster into zones. Some components (GSCs, GSM) are running in one firewall zone, while the rest of the components are running in another firewall zone/s. Only unicast traffic is allowed between firewall zones.
See also:
To learn more about XAP port usage, refer to How to Control the Used Ports.

XAP Firewall Settings

To enable all XAP components to work over a firewall and control all network activity through explicitly defined static ports, perform the following configuration steps:

Step 1: All communications traversing the firewall should be switched to Unicast TCP (use XAP Jini unicast lookup locators and set the as described in the next section), Jini Multicast discovery should be disabled.

Step 2: Specific listener ports of system components should be statically set.

Step 3: Necessary listener port ranges should be defined per each IP address, where the XAP server components reside.

Components such as GSM/Lookup Service, GSC, Mahalo use a single Webster (HTTPD service) and a single LRMI transport port per each component. Accordingly, the same quantity of Webster and LRMI ports should be planned per each IP address where those components reside.

Port ranges should be chosen continuously, as Webster and LRMI port bindings are performed sequentially*, beginning from the low port number – each additional component started on the *same machine opens sequentially higher Webster and LRMI ports, beginning from the low port in the defined port range.

Step 4: Firewall rules for incoming traffic should include opening TCP port per each statically defined XAP component listener, for each IP address where XAP component is running (excluding JMX MBean server).

Step 5: JMX listener ports presented in XAP components and assigned by RMIRegistry mechanism (default port range beginning - 10098; each component opens next available port) can remain dynamically assigned and should not be opened in the firewall. JMX connections are dedicated to administrative purposes and can be accessed by monitoring tools behind the firewall. Of course, MBeanServer and the RMI lookup will not be available outside firewall

Step 6: Each static XAP listener port behind the firewall should be mapped by NAT to the static IP address outside of the firewall. XAP clients/servers residing outside of the firewall should be set to work versus statically mapped by NAT listeners outside IP addresses.

Step 7: Mandatory – the range of port numbers (just free unassigned ports allowed) should be above 1024 and below 65536.


Recommended port ranges – above 7100 in free unassigned IANA ranges (7102-7120, 7130-7160, 7167-7173, 7175-7199, 7228-7271, 7282-7299, 7366-7390…, 47558-47623, 47625-47805, 47809-47999, 48004-48127, 48620-49150)

Listener Ports per XAP Component

Component Listeners
GSM Lookup Service
LRMI Transport
GSC LRMI Transport
Transaction Manager (Mahalo) LRMI Transport

Required Configuration Modifications

bin/ Script Modifications

Add the following system properties to the command line:

  • Optional – use the following system property to disable the Jini multicast activity. For unicast-only solutions:
  • Mandatory – Reggie Lookup Service: in this context, modify, the port used during discovery for both unicast and multicast requests. Default value is 4174.
  • Mandatory – Reggie Lookup Service: in this context, modify com.sun.jini.reggie.initialUnicastDiscoveryPort, the port used during unicast discovery. Default value is 0 - any available port.
  • OptionalRMIRegistry port (used for RMI lookup and for JMX MBean server). Default value is 10098.
  • Mandatory – Webster HTTPD service port.

Settings example:

bin/ GUI Script Modifications – Optional; needed when GUI client should connect through the firewall

Add the following system properties to the command line:

  • Mandatory – use the following system property to disable the Jini multicast activity. For unicast-only solutions:
  • Mandatory – Reggie Lookup Service: in this context, modify, the port used during discovery for both unicast and multicast requests. Default value is 4174.
  • MandatoryRMIRegistry port (used for RMI lookup and for JMX MBean server). Default value is 10098.
  • Optional – Webster HTTPD service port.

Settings example:

bin/ Script Modifications – Mandatory

Lookup locators unicast discovery port should be the same as defined in, for example:


LRMI Communication Protocol Port Range Setting Modifications

The com.gigaspaces.start.httpPort Webster port number property can be defined by overriding as shown below, or using a system property: webster.xml webster.xml webster.xml

Content of override file for Webster port definitions:

    <Component Name="com.gigaspaces.start">
        <Parameter Name="httpPort" Value="9099"/>