Package com.gigaspaces.grid.master

Task Submission Management services.


Interface Summary
Job A job is a piece of computation intended for parallel mode execution and split into task objects.
JobSubmission Provides Job submission management.

Class Summary
Identity The Identity shall provide a universally unique identifier for jobs and tasks within a grid.
JobDescriptor The JobDescriptor describes attributes of a Job.
JobResult The JobResult holds basic information about the result of processing a Job.
Task Base class for Entries that conform the task pattern.
TaskResult The TaskResult holds statistics for a completed Task.

Exception Summary
JobException This exception is thrown by the JobSubmission service if there are errors processing a Job.

Package com.gigaspaces.grid.master Description

Task Submission Management services. The Job Submission Management service submits concrete implementations of Task (implementations of an Entry), and writes the Task objects to the GigaSpace and correlates results.

At initialization time, the JobSubmission service will reflectively analyze its classpath, and search for all concrete implementations of the Job class. Using the JobDescriptor is obtained by invoking the discovered concrete Job.

Adding a concrete implementation of the Job can be done by providing an override during the deployment of the computegrid.xml deployment descriptor. The override provided with the Prime example illustrates this approach:

    Augment the Job Submission services classpath and codebase with prime-job.jar
    <servicebean name="Job Submission">
        <parameter name="jars">
            <![CDATA[ new String[] {"prime-job.jar"} ]]>

This override adds the prime-job.jar to the accessible Jars the Job Submission service will load.

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