This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.

Configuration & Deployment

The Web Application Configuration

The web application requires a couple of configuration changes to the web.xml file in order to enabled XAP Session sharing:

                    <web:param-value>false</web:param-value> <!-- default true -->
The GigaSpacesHttpSessionFilter must be the first filter defined.

Shiro configuration

shiro.ini settings

Section Property Description Required Optional Values Default Values
main connector wrap SpaceProxy and perform operation aginst space Yes com.gigaspaces.httpsession.SpaceConnector
main connector.url Space url Yes jini://*/*/<space_name>
main connector.username Space username No <space username>
main connector.password Space password No <space password>
main connector.sessionLease Lease timeout in milliseconds No Any positive integer. Millisecond time unit 1800000
main connector.readTimeout Read timeout in milliseconds No Any positive interger. Millisecond time unit 300000
main sessionManager XAP Session Manager Implementation Yes com.gigaspaces.httpsession.GigaSpacesWebSessionManager
main sessionManager.sessionDAO Yes $sessionDAO
main sessionDAO Provides a transparent caching layer between the components that use it and the underlying EIS (Enterprise Information System) session backing store Yes org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO
main cacheManager XAP extension of org.apache.shiro.cache.CacheManager Provides and maintains the lifecycles of com.gigaspaces.httpsession.sessions.GigaSpacesCache instances Yes com.gigaspaces.httpsession.sessions.GigaSpacesCacheManager
main cacheManager.compressor Set the compressor instance to be used No $compressor com.gigaspaces.httpsession.serialize.NonCompressCompressor
main cacheManager.serializer instance of the serializer implementation Yes $serializer
main cacheManager.policy instance of session policy implementation Yes $policy
main cacheManager.connector instance of space connector implementation Yes $connector
main compressor Provides compress functionality No Provides your own com.gigaspaces.httpsession.serialize.Compressor implementation or use one of the out of the box option:
main storeMode Provide functionality of how to save changes to the space. there is tow sessions store mode full and delta. Yes use on of two options:
main storeMode.connector Space connector to be used Yes $connector
main storeMode.listener Provides changes notification functionality. it must extends com.gigaspaces.httpsession.policies.GigaspacesNotifyListener No listener
main storeMode.changeStrategy define strategy of comparison and conflict detection response. Yes DeltaStoreMode: FullStoreMode: com.gigaspaces.httpsession.policies.FullModeStrategy DeltaStoreMode: com.gigaspaces.httpsession.policies.LWWChangeStrategy
main listener Fully qualified class name implementing com.gigaspaces.httpsession.policies.GigaspacesNotifyListener No com.gigaspaces.httpsession.policies.TraceListener
main serializer Provides serialization functionality Yes use one of the following options: (recomended)
3. Custom - an implementation of the com.gigaspaces.httpsession.serialize.Serializer interface
main serializer.logLevel internal kryo logging level No 1. NONE = 6 disables all logging.
2. ERROR = 5 is for critical errors. The application may no longer work correctly.
3. WARN = 4 is for important warnings. The application will continue to work correctly.
4.INFO = 3 is for informative messages. Typically used for deployment.
5. DEBUG = 2 is for debug messages. This level is useful during development.
6. TRACE = 1 is for trace messages. A lot of information is logged, so this level is usually only needed when debugging a problem.
main serializer.classes comma separate list full qualified class names to be loaded at the initialization of the Kryo Serializer No
main policy Provides functionality of session policy to apply e.g. with and without authentication Yes Options: for sharing session cross multiple aplplications for single application session store
main policy.connector = $connector instance of space connector implementation Yes
main policy.storeMode = $storeMode instance of space storeMode implementation Yes

The shiro.ini file should to be placed within the WEB-INF folder. See below examples for the shiro.ini file:

    # space proxy wraper
    connector = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.SpaceConnector
    connector.url = jini://*/*/sessionSpace
    # When using secured GigaSpace cluster, pass the credentials here
    # connector.username = <username>
    # connector.password = <password>
    # Default lease is 30 minutes - 30 * 60 * 1000 = 1800000
    connector.sessionLease = 1800000
    # Default read timeout is 5 minutes = 5 * 60 * 1000 = 300000
    connector.readTimeout = 300000
    sessionManager = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.GigaSpacesWebSessionManager
    #set the sessionManager to use an enterprise cache for backing storage:
    sessionDAO = org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO
    sessionManager.sessionDAO = $sessionDAO
    # ensure the securityManager uses our native SessionManager:
    securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
    # whatever your CacheManager implementation is, for example:
    cacheManager = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.sessions.GigaSpacesCacheManager
    # Model Manager service
    storeMode = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.sessions.DeltaStoreMode
    storeMode.connector = $connector
    #storeMode.changeStrategy = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.policies.FailFastChangeStrategy
    listener1 = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.policies.TraceListener
    storeMode.listener = $listener1
    cacheManager.storeMode = $storeMode
    # Serialization Service
    serializer = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.serialize.KryoSerializerImpl
    serializer.logLevel = 1
    #### classes registation: class1, class2, ...,classN
    #serializer.classes = com.pak1.myClass1 , com.pak2.myClass2
    cacheManager.serializer = $serializer
    # Session Policy Service
    policy = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.policies.SessionPolicyWithoutLogin
    policy.connector = $connector
    policy.storeMode = $storeMode
    cacheManager.policy = $policy
    # space proxy setter
    cacheManager.connector= $connector
    # This will use GigaSpaces for _all_ of Shiro's caching needs (realms, etc), not just for Session storage.
    securityManager.cacheManager = $cacheManager

Note that this example uses the basic authentication configuration but, Shiro has various authenticator types see realm modules

    authc.loginUrl = /login.jsp

# space proxy wraper
connector = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.SpaceConnector
connector.url = jini://*/*/sessionSpace
# When using secured GigaSpace cluster, pass the credentials here
# connector.username = &lt;username&gt;
# connector.password = &lt;password&gt;
# Default lease is 30 minutes - 30 * 60 * 1000 = 1800000
connector.sessionLease = 1800000

#sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.StandardWebSessionManager
#sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
sessionManager = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.GigaSpacesWebSessionManager

#set the sessionManager to use an enterprise cache for backing storage:
sessionDAO = org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO
sessionManager.sessionDAO = $sessionDAO

# ensure the securityManager uses our native SessionManager:
securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager

# whatever your CacheManager implementation is, for example:
cacheManager = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.sessions.GigaSpacesCacheManager

# Compression service
#compressor = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.serialize.CompressorImpl
#cacheManager.compressor = $compressor
# Model Manager service
#changeStrategy = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.policies.LastWriteWinsPolicy
storeMode = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.models.DeltaStoreMode
storeMode.connector = $connector
#storeMode.changeStrategy = $changeStrategy

cacheManager.storeMode = $storeMode
# Serialization Service
serializer = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.serialize.KryoSerializerImpl
#serializer.classes = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.sessions.NestSerial , com.gigaspaces.httpsession.sessions.NestNonSerial
cacheManager.serializer = $serializer
# Session Policy Service
policy = com.gigaspaces.httpsession.policies.SessionPolicyWithLogin
policy.connector = $connector
policy.storeMode = $storeMode

cacheManager.policy = $policy
# space proxy setter
cacheManager.connector= $connector

# This will use GigaSpaces for _all_ of Shiro's caching needs (realms, etc), not just for Session   storage.
securityManager.cacheManager = $cacheManager

## format: username = password, role1, role2, ..., roleN
root = secret,admin
guest = guest,guest
presidentskroob = 12345,president
darkhelmet = ludicrousspeed,darklord,schwartz
lonestarr = vespa,goodguy,schwartz

## format: roleName = permission1, permission2, ..., permissionN
admin = *
schwartz = lightsaber:*
goodguy = winnebago:drive:eagle5

## The /login.jsp is not restricted to authenticated users (otherwise no one could log in!), but
## the 'authc' filter must still be specified for it so it can process that url's
## login submissions. It is 'smart' enough to allow those requests through as specified by the
## shiro.loginUrl above.
/login.jsp = authc
/** = authc
##/logout = logout
##/account/** = authc
/remoting/** = authc, roles[b2bClient], perms[&quot;remote:invoke:lan,wan&quot;

Web Application Libraries

The web application should include the following libraries within its \WEB-INF\lib folder:

  • gs-session-manager-xxx.jar - located within the XAP ROOT\lib\optional\httpsession folder.
  • gs-runtime.jar - located within the XAP ROOT\lib\required folder.

The gs-runtime.jar should be replaced with the relevant XAP gs-runtime.jar matching your XAP data grid release.


The XAP IMDG should be deployed using one of the topologies. You may also use the WAN Gateway with multi data grid deployment.

# To deploy the IMDG called `sessionSpace` start the XAP agent using:

# and run the following command to deploy the session Space:
<XAP-HOME>/bin/gs deploy-space sessionSpace

See also:

See the deploy-space command for details.


The gs-session-manager-xxx.jar located within the \gigaspaces-xap-root\lib\optional\httpsession folder should be copied into the \gigaspaces-xap-root\lib\platform\ext folder.

Deploying the WAN Gateway

The WAN Gateway should be deployed using your preferred replication topography, such as multi-master or master-slave. See the WAN Replication Gateway best practice for an example of how a multi-master Gateway architecture can be deployed.

Securing the XAP IMDG

When using a Secure XAP cluster you can pass security credentials using following parameters in the shiro.ini file:

connector.username = user
connector.password = pass


The example can be deployed into any web server (Tomcat, JBoss, Websphere, Weblogic, Jetty, GlassFish). It demostrates Single Application Session Sharing configuration.

  1. Download the demo web application .
  2. Deploy a space named sessionSpace. You may have a single instance Space or deploy a clustered Space using the command line , GS-UI or the Web-UI.
  3. Deploy the demo-app.war into Tomcat (or any other app server).
  4. Start your browser and access the web application via the following URL: http://localhost:8080/demo-app

The URL above assumes the Web Server is configured to use port 8080.

Set some attributes with their name and value and click the **Update Session** button.


View the session updated within the space via the GS-UI or Web-UI.


Identify the Session ID



Restart your web application and refresh the page. The session will be reloaded from the data grid.


Web Application Context

Global HTTP session sharing works only when your application is deployed as a non-root context. It is relying on browser cookies for identifying user session, specifically JSESSIONID cookie. Cookies are generated at a context name per host level. This way all the links on the page are referring to the same cookie/user session.

WebSphere Application Server HttpSessionIdReuse Custom Property

When using XAP Global HTTP session sharing with applications deployed into WebSphere Application Server, please enable the HttpSessionIdReuse custom property. In a multi-JVM environment that is not configured for session persistence setting this property to true enables the session manager to use the same session information for all of a user’s requests even if the Web applications that are handling these requests are governed by different JVMs.

Transient Attribute

An attribute specified as transient would not be shared and its content will not be stored within the IMDG. Your code should be modified to have this as a regular attribute that can be serialized.