License Setup

This section explains how to set up the initial 30-day evaluation license, and also provides additional related information.

Applying the License

After you download a commercial edition from the Download Center, you will receive an email with a license key for the evaluation period. To start the evaluation period, open the license file located in $GS_HOME/gs-license.txt with any text editor, and copy the license key from the email to a blank line in the file. For example:

# License can also be set via the GS_LICENSE environment variable or com.gs.licensekey system property
Product=XAPClosed GigaSpaces eXtreme Application Platform.
Provides a powerful solution for data processing, launching, and running digital services;Version=17.1.0;Type=ENTERPRISE;Customer=yourname@yourcompany.com;Expiration=2022-Dec-31;Hash=PNXrPIPANOOddPNQFdQQ

If you're using Docker images for evaluation, add the -e GS_LICENSE=... option to the Docker run command, using the license key in the email.

The same evaluation license is used for all downloaders, enabling you to evaluate the full GigaSpaces Enterprise edition, which contains all of the available features for all commercial editions.

After you have applied the license, you can access all of the available features for the duration of the 30-day evaluation period without any limitations. When the evaluation license expires, the next time you restart the data grid you will only have access to the open-source functionality. Contact GigaSpaces support to purchase a license for the edition that meets your needs. After the new license is applied, the relevant functionality will once again be available.

The license key can be viewed in the application logs. When the system starts, it writes an information summary to the logs and console, including the license key. You can use the logs to verify that you are using the correct license key.

License Validation on Start-Up

If the XAP services are restarted when the license has expired, they will not run. Update the license using one of the methods described in the License Lookup Order section below.

The license is validated whenever the service grid is started. If the license is invalid for some reason (for example, if it is expired), the system will report a problem with the license and terminate. If the license expires while the system is up and running, it will continue to run. However, if a system components fails and tries to restart, it will fail because the license is not valid. Example:

License Lookup Order

For any of the methods selected, make sure to save the file and restart the XAP services.

The system looks for the license key in the following 5 locations, in the following order:

The 5 options below are in sequential order. That is, option 1 will override option 2. Option 2 will override option 3.  And so on.

Option Description Example
1 The com.gs.licensekey system property.
  1. Upload the license directly into the system properties.

  2. Use either the command line, startup script, batch file or update the setenv-overrides bat/sh file:

set GS_OPTIONS_EXT=-Dcom.gs.licensekey=12345:

2 The GS_LICENSE environment variable.
  1. Add the GS_LICENSE environment variable which is located in the setenv-overrides bat/sh file.

  2. For the GS_LICENSE you will need to set the value GS_LICENSE=licensekeyvalue.

Following are the ways to verify if the license in the system properties is valid:

  1. The XAP services are running.

  2. From the log folder, open one of the recent log files:

  3. From the Java monitoring and management console, review the license:

  4. Access the Java console from the GigaSpaces Management Center:

  5. Using the command line, type the following:

    1. jcmd PID VM.system_properties

      Example: PID = one of the GSCClosed Grid Service Container. This provides an isolated runtime for one (or more) processing unit (PU) instance and exposes its state to the GSM.. From the screen capture above GSC PID = 38244. Type in the command line: jcmd 38244 VM.system_properties.

    2. Search for com.gs.licensekey=license. In the screen capture below, this is tryme:

  6. The upper right corner of the GigaSpaces Management Console UI will display the license status:

3 A gs-license.txt file in the Classpath.  
4 A gs-license.txt file in the GigaSpaces installation folder (can be explicitly set using com.gs.home system property).

This is the simplest option:

  1. Open the gs-license text file:

  2. Paste the license key inside:

  3. Save and restart XAP services.

5 A gs-license.txt file in the current directory.