Directory Management: File Based Security

The users UserDetails are to be stored in some kind of storage. Usually this storage provides tooling for managing the user data. The SecurityManager.authenticate(UserDetails userDetails) method tries to authenticate the user by accessing this storage, populating the Authentication result with the user authorities. This is specific to how the user's details and authority privileges are stored.

GigaSpaces provides an abstraction (DirectoryManager) which may be used to ease implementation. However, this is *not mandatory and is up to the implementor of the SecurityManager to decide.

Directory Manager interface

The users (UserDetails) and roles (RoleDetails) can be managed by acquiring a DirectoryManager, through which you may administer the users and roles. It is a simple API for creating, deleting, updating and mapping of users and roles.

We provide two distinct privileges for managing the directory when assigned with the SystemAuthority - one for user management SystemPrivilege.MANAGE_USERS and one for role management SystemPrivilege.MANAGE_ROLES.

User Manager interface

The DirectoryManager interface provides a means to managing users using the UserManager API. Access should be granted only to users with MANAGE_USERS authority.

The UserManager interface has simple methods for declaring users:

public interface UserManager {
    void createUser(UserDetails)
    UserDetails getUser(String)
    void deleteUser(String)
    void updateUser(UserDetails)

Role Manager interface

The DirectoryManage interface provides a means to managing roles using the RoleManager API. Access should be granted only to users with MANAGE_ROLES authority.

The RoleManager interface has simple methods for declaring roles:

public interface RoleManager {
    RoleDetails getRole(String)

Using the API

The directory manager is accessible via the SecurityManager. In the example below, the user admin/admin has both MANAGE_USERS and MANAGE_ROLES. We will use this user to gain access to the directory manager. Also, we have two default implementations User and Role implementing UserDetails and RoleDetails respectively.

Properties securityProperties = new Properties();
SecurityManager securityManager = SecurityFactory.createSecurityManager(securityProperties);

DirectoryManager directoryManager = securityManager.createDirectoryManager(new User("admin", "admin"));

We can now add a new user using the UserManager API. "Alice" will be added with READ authority for class "eg.ClassA".

UserManager userManager = directoryManager.getUserManager();

userManager.createUser(new User("alice", "password",
        new SpaceAuthority(SpacePrivilege.READ, new ClassFilter("eg.ClassA"))

A role can be declared using the RoleManager API. The "author" role will be added with READ, WRITE, TAKE authorities for class "eg.ClassA".

RoleManager roleManager = directoryManager.getRoleManager();

roleManager.createRole(new Role("author",
        new SpaceAuthority(SpacePrivilege.READ, new ClassFilter("eg.ClassA")),
        new SpaceAuthority(SpacePrivilege.WRITE, new ClassFilter("eg.ClassA")),
        new SpaceAuthority(SpacePrivilege.TAKE, new ClassFilter("eg.ClassA"))

We can assign this role to user "bob".

userManager.createUser(new User("bob", "password",
        new RoleAuthority("author")

The ClassFilter is one of the restrictive filters available. There is also a RegexFilter, PackageFilter, etc. A handy utility is the wildcard expression converter which converts a string expression to a filter. This is used by the UI dialog when creating filters.

userManager.createUser(new User("carol", "password",
        new SpaceAuthority(SpacePrivilege.READ,
                        "eg.Class*", true))