Task Execution
This page relates to Scala
A wrapper around the GigaSpaces API provides some sugaring on top of the GigaSpace#execute
Import the following into scope to use the methods demonstrated below.
import com.gigaspaces.async.AsyncResult import org.openspaces.scala.core.ScalaGigaSpacesImplicits.ScalaEnhancedGigaSpaceWrapper
Some examples:
/** Import GigaSpace implicits into scope */
import com.gigaspaces.async.AsyncResult
import org.openspaces.scala.core.ScalaGigaSpacesImplicits._
val gsm = admin.getGridServiceManagers.waitForAtLeastOne
gsm.deploy(new org.openspaces.admin.space.SpaceDeployment("mySpace"))
val Some(gigaSpace) = getGigaSpace("mySpace")
case class Data @SpaceClassConstructor() ( @BeanProperty @SpaceId @SpaceProperty(nullValue = "-1") id: Long = -1, @BeanProperty @SpaceRouting @SpaceProperty(nullValue = "-1") routing
The mechanism that is in charge of routing the objects into and out of the corresponding partitions. The routing is based on a designated attribute inside the objects that are written to the Space, called the Routing Index.: Long = -1, @BeanProperty data: String = null )
gigaSpace write Data(id = 1, routing = 2, data = "some data")
gigaSpace write Data(id = 2, routing = 3, data = "some other data")
val asyncFuture1 = gigaSpace.execute { gigaSpace: GigaSpace =>
gigaSpace.readById(classOf[Data], 1l)
println("Execute1 result: " + asyncFuture1.get())
val asyncFuture2 = gigaSpace.execute(
{ gigaSpace: GigaSpace => gigaSpace.read(Data()).data } /* map */,
{ results: Seq[AsyncResult[String]] => results.map { _.getResult() }.mkString } /* reduce */
println("Map reduce result: " + asyncFuture2.get())