Metadata From Data Catalog Schema

Third-party tools accessing the GigaSpaces data grid can now automatically access the detailed metadata schema for the Spaces and Objects in the grid.


information_schema_catalog_name table

The information_schema_catalog_name table has the following information:

Column Format Contents Notes
catalog_name varchar SpaceClosed Where GigaSpaces data is stored. It is the logical cache that holds data objects in memory and might also hold them in layered in tiering. Data is hosted from multiple SoRs, consolidated as a unified data model. name  

tables table

The tables table has the following information:

Column Format Contents Notes
table_catalog varchar Space name  
table_schema varchar Package where the table is defined.
Value is "public" if the table was defined manually, through DDLClosed Data Definition Language (DDL) is a subset of SQL. It is a language for describing data and its relationships in a database. DDL changes the structure of the table like creating a table, deleting a table, altering a table, etc. Example DDL commands: CREATE, ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE. commands
table_name varchar    
table_type varchar "TABLE" or "VIEW" "TABLE" in 16.2
last_update timestamp Date that the table schema was last changed null in 16.2
created timestamp Date that the table was created null in 16.2

columns table

The columns table has the following information:

Column Format Contents Notes
table_catalog varchar Space name  
table_schema varchar Package where the table is defined, or "public" if the table was defined manually, through DDL commands  
table_name varchar    
column_name varchar "TABLE" or "VIEW" "TABLE" in 16.2
ordinal_position integer Column number  
column_default varchar Default value for column  
is_nullable boolean true or false  
data_type varchar