Viewing Events
In the Events panel, you can view events for the selected component. You can filter the view based on text, and by date and time.
The event timeline shows the deployment life cycle of all the Processing Units This is the unit of packaging and deployment in the GigaSpaces Data Grid, and is essentially the main GigaSpaces service. The Processing Unit (PU) itself is typically deployed onto the Service Grid. When a Processing Unit is deployed, a Processing Unit instance is the actual runtime entity..
Life cycle success events for each instance
- installation attempt: an attempt to provision a Processing Unit instance on an available GSC
Grid Service Container. This provides an isolated runtime for one (or more) processing unit (PU) instance and exposes its state to the GSM..
- instance added: a Processing Unit instance was successfully instantiated on a GSC.
- instance uninstalled: a Processing Unit instance was successfully removed.
- Container N/A: a Processing Unit instance is pending instantiation until an available GSC is discovered.
Life cycle success events for Processing Unit
- installation succeeded: deployment of a Processing Unit has been completed successfully (all instances instantiated).
- installation uninstalled: undeployment of a Processing Unit has been completed (all instances undeployed).
Life cycle failure events for each instance
- installation failed: a Processing Unit instance failed to instantiate.
- installation unresponsive: a Processing Unit instance is unresponsive to "member-is-alive" attempts (failure is suspected).
- installation crashed: an unresponsive Processing Unit instance has timed out (failure was detected).
- installation re-detected: a Processing Unit instance was previously unresponsive but is now responsive.