Deploying a Processing Unit
To deploy a Processing Unit This is the unit of packaging and deployment in the GigaSpaces Data Grid, and is essentially the main GigaSpaces service. The Processing Unit (PU) itself is typically deployed onto the Service Grid. When a Processing Unit is deployed, a Processing Unit instance is the actual runtime entity. to the Service Grid
A built-in orchestration tool which contains a set of Grid Service Containers (GSCs) managed by a Grid Service Manager. The containers host various deployments of Processing Units and data grids. Each container can be run on a separate physical machine. This orchestration is available for XAP only.:
Deploys a Processing Unit to the service grid.
Parameters and Options:
Item | Name | Description |
Parameter | name | Name of the Processing Unit to deploy |
Parameter | file | Path to the Processing Unit file (.jar or .zip). |
Option | backups=<backups> | Specify the number of backups per partition. Can be zero or one. |
Option | instances=<instances> | Number of instances. |
Option | max-instances-per-machine=<maxInstancesPerMachine> | Define the maximum number of instances on same machine (from each partition). |
Option | max-instances-per-vm=<maxInstancesPerVM> | Define the maximum number of instances on same VM (from each partition). |
Option | partitions=<partitions> | Number of partitions. |
Option | property=<String,String> | Context properties. |
Option | properties=<properties> | Location of context-level properties file. |
Option | schema=<schema> | Cluster schema/topology (partitioned, sync_replicated, async_replicated). |
Option | requires-isolation |
If this Processing Unit should not share a container, adding this option provisions the Processing Unit in a dedicated container. |
Option | zones=<zones> | Define which zones can host this Processing Unit. |
Option | primary-zones=<a,b,c> | Define a list of preferred zones for primary instances (applies only when Deterministic Deployment is configured). |
The "requires isolation" configuration for Processing Units is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Input Example:
This example deploys a PU named myPu with 2 partitions using the mypu.jar file.
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs pu deploy --partitions=2 myPu mypu.jar
<GS_HOME>/bin/ pu deploy --partitions=2 myPu mypu.jar
POST /pus
Deploys a Processing Unit to the service grid.
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: text/plain' -d '{ \
"name": "myPu", \
"resource": "myPu.jar", \
"sla": { \
"requiresIsolation": true, \
"zones": [ \
"string" \
], \
"maxInstancesPerVM": 1, \
"maxInstancesPerMachine": 1 \
}, \
"contextProperties": {} \
}' 'http://localhost:8090/v1/deployments'
Option | Description | Required |
name | Name of the Processing Unit. | Yes |
resource | File/Path to the Processing Unit file (.jar or .zip). | Yes |
schema | Type of clustering schema/topology to use. | No |
instances | Number of instances to deploy. | No |
partitions | Number of partitions. | No |
backupsPerPartition | Number of backups per partition. Can be zero or one. | No |
requiresIsolation | If this Processing Unit should not share a container, adding this option provisions the Processing Unit in a dedicated container. | No |
zones | Which zones can host this processing unit. | No |
primaryZones | Define a list of preferred zones for primary instances (applies only when Deterministic Deployment is configured). | No |
contextProperties | Context properties. | No |
The "requires isolation" configuration for Processing Units is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
- From the Deploy menu on the menu bar, select Processing Unit.
In the Processing Unit Deployment dialog box, do the following:
- To search an external repository for the relevant resource file, select the Upload jar/war/zip file option, click the Browse button next to the Upload file box, and select the required file.
- To use a local resource file, select the Select from list option and select the required file from the dropdown list.
- (Optional) If you want this Processing Unit to have a different name from the one specified in the resource file, type the new name in the Override Processing Unit name box.
- (Optional) If you want this Processing Unit to be secure, do the following In the User Login Details area:
- Select Secured Space
Where GigaSpaces data is stored. It is the logical cache that holds data objects in memory and might also hold them in layered in tiering. Data is hosted from multiple SoRs, consolidated as a unified data model..
- Provide the user credentials in the User Name and Password boxes.
- Select Secured Space
In the Cluster Info area, apply the required configuration details:
- In the Cluster schema box, specify the SLA definitions (cluster topology):
- None - A standalone Processing Unit with an embedded Space.
- Partitioned - A cluster that is partitioned across the instances that are specified.
- Sync_replicated - A cluster with synchronous replication across the instances that are specified.
- Async_replicated - A cluster with asynchronous replication across the instances that are specified.
- In the Number of Instances box, specify the number of primary Processing Unit instances to deploy in the cluster.
- (For partitioned clusters) In the Number of Backups box, define the number of backup Processing Units for each primary Processing Unit.
The number of backups can be zero or one.
- In the Max Inst. per VM box, define the maximum number of Processing Unit instances each virtual host may contain (the default is 1).
- In the Max Inst. per VM box, define the maximum number of Processing Unit instances each physical host may contain.
- If you have more than one host, you can specify on which host to deploy the primary Processing Unit instances.
- In the Cluster schema box, specify the SLA definitions (cluster topology):
Click Deploy.
Refer to the GigaSpaces Management Center topics in the Administration section.
Refer to the Admin API topics in the Developer Guide.