Standalone Mode
For initial evaluation purposes, you can run GigaSpaces products in standalone mode using the open source GigaSpaces and GigaSpaces editions. This mode provides limited functionality and administration capabilities. As standalone mode is essentially a simple cluster manager, you can also use it to set up a local cluster for development and testing purposes.
For a full list of the features and functionality available in standalone mode, see the What Edition Do I Need? topic in the Overview section.
Running GigaSpaces Products in Standalone Mode
You can start a data grid, run a Space Where GigaSpaces data is stored. It is the logical cache that holds data objects in memory and might also hold them in layered in tiering. Data is hosted from multiple SoRs, consolidated as a unified data model. or a Processing Unit
This is the unit of packaging and deployment in the GigaSpaces Data Grid, and is essentially the main GigaSpaces service. The Processing Unit (PU) itself is typically deployed onto the Service Grid. When a Processing Unit is deployed, a Processing Unit instance is the actual runtime entity. service, or start GigaSpaces in standalone mode.
Starting a Data Grid in Demo Mode
To run a Space in demo mode, type the following command:
./<GS_HOME>/bin/ demo
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs demo
Runs a Space in high availability mode (2 primaries with 1 backup each).
Parameters and Options:
Input Example:
<GS_HOME>/bin/ demo
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs demo
Running a Standalone Space
To run a standalone Space, type the following command:
./<GS_HOME>/bin/ space run
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs space run
Runs a standalone Space in a stateful Processing Unit service.
Parameters and Options:
Item | Name | Description |
Parameter | name | Name of the Space. |
Option | —lus | Start a lookup service. |
Option | —partitions=<partitions> | Define the number of partitions to use. |
Option | —ha | Run the Space with high availability (adding a backup per partition). |
Option | —instances=1_1,1_2 | Specify one or more instances to run. If no instances are specified, runs all instances. |
Input Example:
This example runs a Space named mySpace with high availability and 2 partitions. The commands start two instances for the first partition (1_1, 1_2) and two instances for the second partition (2_1, 2_2).
<GS_HOME>/bin/ space run --lus --partitions=2 --ha mySpace
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs space run --lus --partitions=2 --ha mySpace
To run instances separately, run each of the following commands on different hosts (note that –lus is specified for discovery):
<GS_HOME>/bin/ space run --lus --partitions=2 --ha --instances=1_1 mySpace
<GS_HOME>/bin/ space run --partitions=2 --ha --instances=1_2 mySpace
<GS_HOME>/bin/ space run --lus --partitions=2 --ha --instances=2_1 mySpace
<GS_HOME>/bin/ space run --partitions=2 --ha --instances=2_2 mySpace
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs space run --lus --partitions=2 --ha --instances=1_1 mySpace
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs space run --partitions=2 --ha --instances=1_2 mySpace
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs space run --lus --partitions=2 --ha --instances=2_1 mySpace
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs space run --partitions=2 --ha --instances=2_2 mySpace
Running a Standalone Processing Unit Service
To run a standalone Processing Unit service, run the following command:
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs pu run
Runs a standalone Processing Unit service.
Parameters and Options:
Item | Name | Description |
Parameter | path | Relative/absolute path of a Processing Unit directory or archive file. |
Option | —lus | Start a lookup service. |
Option | —partitions=<partitions> | Define the number of partitions to use. |
Option | —ha | Run the Space with high availability (adding a backup per partition). |
Option | —instances=1_1,1_2 | Specify one or more instances to run. If no instances are specified, runs all instances. |
Option | --property=<String,String> | Context properties. |
Option | --properties=<properties> | Location of context-level properties file. |
Input Example:
This example deploys a Processing Unit service that contains a Space named mySpace with high availability and 2 partitions.
<GS_HOME>/bin/ pu run --lus --ha --partitions=2 myPu.jar
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs pu run --lus --ha --partitions=2 myPu.jar