GigaSpaces - Open Spaces

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SpaceRemotingInvocation
org.openspaces.remoting A package including OpenSpaces support for Sync and Async remoting inspired by other Spring remoting integrations. 

Uses of SpaceRemotingInvocation in org.openspaces.remoting

Classes in org.openspaces.remoting that implement SpaceRemotingInvocation
 class AsyncSpaceRemotingEntry
          Default implementation of a remoting entry that acts both as a remote invocation and a remote result.
 class ExecutorRemotingTask<T extends Serializable>
          A Task that can be used to simulate remote invcation with SpaceRemotingServiceExporter.
 class SyncSpaceRemotingEntry
          Default implementation of a remoting entry that acts both as a remote invocation and a remote result.

Methods in org.openspaces.remoting that return SpaceRemotingInvocation
 SpaceRemotingInvocation SpaceRemoteExecutionException.getRemoteInvocation()
          Returns the remote invocation that caused this execution exception.

Methods in org.openspaces.remoting with parameters of type SpaceRemotingInvocation
 T RemoteRoutingHandler.computeRouting(SpaceRemotingInvocation remotingEntry)
          Returns the routing field value based on the remoting invocation.
 Object MethodParamRemoteRoutingHandler.computeRouting(SpaceRemotingInvocation remotingEntry)
static Object RemotingProxyUtils.computeRouting(SpaceRemotingInvocation remotingEntry, RemoteRoutingHandler remoteRoutingHandler, MethodInvocation methodInvocation)
          Computes the routing index for a given remote invocation.
 Object ServiceExecutionAspect.invoke(SpaceRemotingInvocation invocation, com.gigaspaces.reflect.IMethod method, Object service)
          A service execution callback allows to wrap the execution of "server side" service.
 Object[] MetaArgumentsHandler.obtainMetaArguments(SpaceRemotingInvocation remotingEntry)
          Meta argument handler can control the meta data objects that will be used for the remote invocation.
 T RemoteResultReducer.reduce(SpaceRemotingResult<Y>[] results, SpaceRemotingInvocation remotingInvocation)
          Reduces a list of Space remoting invocation results to an Object value.

Constructors in org.openspaces.remoting with parameters of type SpaceRemotingInvocation
SpaceRemoteExecutionException(SpaceRemotingInvocation remoteInvocation, SpaceRemotingResult remoteResult)
SpaceRemoteExecutionException(SpaceRemotingInvocation remoteInvocation, String message, Throwable cause)

Uses of SpaceRemotingInvocation in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting

Methods in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting with parameters of type SpaceRemotingInvocation
 Object ScriptingRemoteRoutingHandler.computeRouting(SpaceRemotingInvocation remotingEntry)
          Only works with ScriptingExecutor and uses Script.getRouting() in order to compute the routing index.
 Object[] ScriptingMetaArgumentsHandler.obtainMetaArguments(SpaceRemotingInvocation remotingEntry)

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