GigaSpaces - Open Spaces

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServiceDetailsProvider

Uses of ServiceDetailsProvider in org.openspaces.interop

Classes in org.openspaces.interop that implement ServiceDetailsProvider
 class DotnetProcessingUnitBean
          Dotnet processing unit bean, used as an adapter that will delegate the life cycle method invocation to the .Net processing unit implementation of the .Net GigaSpaces.Core.IProcessingUnit interface
 class DotnetProcessingUnitContainer

Uses of ServiceDetailsProvider in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee

Subinterfaces of ServiceDetailsProvider in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee
 interface JeeProcessingUnitContainer
          An extension to the ApplicationContextProcessingUnitContainer that can handle JEE processing units.

Uses of ServiceDetailsProvider in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.jetty

Classes in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.jetty that implement ServiceDetailsProvider
 class JettyProcessingUnitContainer
          The actual contianer simply holding the jetty web application context, the application context, and the JettyHolder.

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