GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class LazyLoadingRemoteInvocationAspect

  extended by org.openspaces.remoting.scripting.LazyLoadingRemoteInvocationAspect
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LazyLoadingRemoteInvocationAspect
extends Object
implements RemoteInvocationAspect

The lazy loading remote invocation aspect wraps the actual remote invocation and adds support for LazyLoadingScripts.

If the scipt being executed is a lazy loading script, and it is cacheable, the actual script content will not be sent to the remote service. If the script is already complied and cached, there is no need to get the actual script content, and it will be executed. If the script if not loaded (i.e. not compiled and cached), the scripting executor will throw a ScriptNotLoadedException exception, which then the script will be loaded and executed again.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Object invoke(MethodInvocation methodInvocation, RemotingInvoker remotingInvoker)
          If the scipt being executed is a lazy loading script, and it is cacheable, the actual script content will not be sent to the remote service.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LazyLoadingRemoteInvocationAspect()
Method Detail


public Object invoke(MethodInvocation methodInvocation,
                     RemotingInvoker remotingInvoker)
              throws Throwable
If the scipt being executed is a lazy loading script, and it is cacheable, the actual script content will not be sent to the remote service. If the script is already complied and cached, there is no need to get the actual script content, and it will be executed. If the script if not loaded (i.e. not compiled and cached), the scripting executor will throw a ScriptNotLoadedException exception, which then the script will be loaded and executed again.

Specified by:
invoke in interface RemoteInvocationAspect

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.