GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use RemoteEvent Provides GigaSpaces events related interfaces. 
com.j_spaces.core.client Provides GigaSpaces client interface services Some basic utility classes for helping with client-side lease renewal operations. 
com.sun.jini.reggie Provides implementations of ServiceRegistrar
net.jini.core.event The RemoteEventListener interface and related standard classes. 
net.jini.core.lookup These are the lookup service interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.discovery These are utility classes and interfaces that conform to the discovery and join protocol defined in the Jini(TM) Discovery and Join Specification
net.jini.event Standard service and utility classes for managing leases. JavaSpaces(TM) servers provide a place on the network, a space, for clients to store and exchange objects. 

Uses of RemoteEvent in

Subclasses of RemoteEvent in
 class SpaceRemoteEvent
          Base class for space remote events.

Uses of RemoteEvent in com.j_spaces.core.client

Subclasses of RemoteEvent in com.j_spaces.core.client
 class EntryArrivedRemoteEvent
          An EntryArrivedRemoteEvent is sent to a NotifyDelegator object when an entry that matches the delegator's template enters a GigaSpace.

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client with parameters of type RemoteEvent
 void NotifyDelegator.notify(RemoteEvent event)
 void NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer.notify(RemoteEvent theEvent)
          Deprecated. This is a callback method invoked by the space when an entry that matches the notify templates is written to the space.

Uses of RemoteEvent in

Subclasses of RemoteEvent in
 class BasicRenewalFailureEvent
          Basic implementation of RenewalFailureEvent that defers unmarshalling.

Uses of RemoteEvent in com.sun.jini.reggie

Subclasses of RemoteEvent in com.sun.jini.reggie
 class RegistrarEvent
          Concrete implementation class for abstract ServiceEvent.

Uses of RemoteEvent in net.jini.core.event

Methods in net.jini.core.event with parameters of type RemoteEvent
 void RemoteEventListener.notify(RemoteEvent theEvent)
          Notify the listener about an event.

Uses of RemoteEvent in net.jini.core.lookup

Subclasses of RemoteEvent in net.jini.core.lookup
 class ServiceEvent
          This class is used for remote events sent by the lookup service.

Uses of RemoteEvent in net.jini.discovery

Subclasses of RemoteEvent in net.jini.discovery
 class RemoteDiscoveryEvent
          Whenever the lookup discovery service discovers or discards a lookup service matching the discovery/discard criteria of one or more of its registrations, the lookup discovery service sends an instance of this class to the listener corresponding to each such registration.

Uses of RemoteEvent in net.jini.event

Methods in net.jini.event that return RemoteEvent
 RemoteEvent timeout)
          Retrieves stored event notifications, if any.

Uses of RemoteEvent in

Subclasses of RemoteEvent in
 class ExpirationWarningEvent
          Event generated by a lease renewal set when its lease is about to expire.
 class RenewalFailureEvent
          Event generated by a lease renewal set when it can't renew a lease it is responsible for.

Uses of RemoteEvent in

Subclasses of RemoteEvent in
 class AvailabilityEvent
          A RemoteEvent marking the transition of an Entry from unavailable to available.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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