GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class EventRegistration

  extended by net.jini.core.event.EventRegistration
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class EventRegistration
extends Object
implements Serializable

A utility class for use as a return value for event-interest registration methods. Objects of this class are meant to encapsulate the information needed by a client to identify a notification as a response to a registration request and to maintain that registration request. It is not mandatory for an event-interest registration method to use this class.

A registration of interest in some kind of event that occurs within the scope of a transaction is leased in the same way as other event interest registrations. However, the duration of the registration is the minimum of the length of the lease and the duration of the transaction. Simply put, when the transaction ends (either because of a commit or an abort) the interest registration also ends. This is true even if the lease for the event registration has not expired and no call has been made to cancel the lease.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  long eventID
          The event identifier.
protected  Lease lease
          The registration lease.
protected  long seqNum
          The current sequence number.
protected  Object source
          The event source.
Constructor Summary
EventRegistration(long eventID, Object source, Lease lease, long seqNum)
          Constructs an EventRegistration object.
Method Summary
 long getID()
          Returns the identifier that will be used in all RemoteEvents generated for this interest registration.
 Lease getLease()
          Returns the Lease object for this registration.
 long getSequenceNumber()
          Returns the value of the sequence number on the event kind that was current when the registration was granted, allowing comparison with the sequence number in any subsequent notifications.
 Object getSource()
          Returns the source that will be used in all RemoteEvents generated for this interest registration.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected long eventID
The event identifier.


protected Object source
The event source.


protected Lease lease
The registration lease.


protected long seqNum
The current sequence number.

Constructor Detail


public EventRegistration(long eventID,
                         Object source,
                         Lease lease,
                         long seqNum)
Constructs an EventRegistration object.

eventID - a long representing the event identifier
source - an Object representing the event source
lease - the registration Lease object
seqNum - a long representing the current sequence number
Method Detail


public long getID()
Returns the identifier that will be used in all RemoteEvents generated for this interest registration.

a long used to identify all RemoteEvents that are generated for this interest registration.
See Also:


public Object getSource()
Returns the source that will be used in all RemoteEvents generated for this interest registration.

an Object that represents the source of all RemoteEvents for this interest registration
See Also:


public Lease getLease()
Returns the Lease object for this registration.

the Lease object for this registration.


public long getSequenceNumber()
Returns the value of the sequence number on the event kind that was current when the registration was granted, allowing comparison with the sequence number in any subsequent notifications.

a long representing the value of the sequence number on the event type that was current when the registration was granted, allowing comparison with the sequence number in any subsequent notifications.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.