GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class FixedLeasePeriodPolicy

  extended by com.sun.jini.landlord.FixedLeasePeriodPolicy
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FixedLeasePeriodPolicy
extends Object
implements LeasePeriodPolicy

Simple implementation of LeasePeriodPolicy that grants lease times based on a fixed default and maximum lease. Will grant renewals longer than the maximum if the current lease and the request are both longer than the maximum.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.sun.jini.landlord.LeasePeriodPolicy
Constructor Summary
FixedLeasePeriodPolicy(long maximum, long defaultLength)
          Create a new FixedLeasePeriodPolicy with the specified values for the maxium and default lease lengths.
Method Summary
protected  long calculateDuration(LeasedResource resource, long requestedDuration)
          Returns the duration this policy is willing to grant for the passed resource at this time.
protected  long currentTime()
          Method that provides some notion of the current time in milliseconds since the beginning of the epoch.
 LeasePeriodPolicy.Result grant(LeasedResource resource, long requestedDuration)
          Calculate the initial expiration and duration for a new lease.
 LeasePeriodPolicy.Result renew(LeasedResource resource, long requestedDuration)
          Calculate the expiration and duration for an existing lease that is being renewed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FixedLeasePeriodPolicy(long maximum,
                              long defaultLength)
Create a new FixedLeasePeriodPolicy with the specified values for the maxium and default lease lengths.

maximum - the length in milliseconds of the longest lease this object should normally grant
defaultLength - the length in milliseconds of the default lease grants
IllegalArgumentException - if either argument is not positive.
Method Detail


protected long calculateDuration(LeasedResource resource,
                                 long requestedDuration)
Returns the duration this policy is willing to grant for the passed resource at this time. The duration actually granted will be shorter if the duration extends pass the end of the epoch. Must return a positive number.

Note the duration returned by this method will be shorter than the final duration granted if the requested duration extends past the current expiration, and duration return by this method is before the current expiration.

resource - the resource having a lease granted or renewed
requestedDuration - the duration the client wants
IllegalArgumentException - thrown if requestedDuration is less than 0 and not equal to Lease.ANYLENGTH or Lease.FOREVER.


protected long currentTime()
Method that provides some notion of the current time in milliseconds since the beginning of the epoch. Default implementation calls System.currentTimeMillis()


public LeasePeriodPolicy.Result grant(LeasedResource resource,
                                      long requestedDuration)
                               throws LeaseDeniedException
Description copied from interface: LeasePeriodPolicy
Calculate the initial expiration and duration for a new lease.

Specified by:
grant in interface LeasePeriodPolicy
resource - the server side representation of the new lease that needs an initial expiration and duration
requestedDuration - the initial duration the requester of the resources would like. May be Lease.ANY
A Result that holds both the expiration and duration.
LeaseDeniedException - if the grant request is denied.


public LeasePeriodPolicy.Result renew(LeasedResource resource,
                                      long requestedDuration)
                               throws LeaseDeniedException
Description copied from interface: LeasePeriodPolicy
Calculate the expiration and duration for an existing lease that is being renewed.

Specified by:
renew in interface LeasePeriodPolicy
resource - the server side representation of the lease that is being renewed
requestedDuration - the duration the client is requesting. May be Lease.ANY.
A Result that holds both the expiration and duration.
LeaseDeniedException - if the renewal request is denied.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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