GigaSpaces XAP 7.1 API

Package org.openspaces.remoting

A package including OpenSpaces support for Sync and Async remoting inspired by other Spring remoting integrations.


Interface Summary
AutowireArgumentsMarker A marker interface enabling autowiring of arguments in a remoting service.
BroadcastIndicator An interface optionally implemented by the first parameter in a remote invocation to indicate if broadcasting is enabled or not.
MetaArgumentsHandler Meta argument handler can control the meta data objects that will be used for the remote invocation.
RemoteInvocationAspect<T> A remoting aspect allows to wrap the remote invocaiton with specific "user" logic, for example, to add retry in case of a failure, security, or something similar.
RemoteResultReducer<T,Y> A remoting result reducer (ala Map Reduce) used when working with SyncSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean in broadcast mode in order to reduce the broadcast results into a "client side" result value.
RemoteRoutingHandler<T> A general interface allowing for pluggable computation of the remoting invocation routing field.
RemotingInvoker Interface representing a remote invocation.
ServiceExecutionAspect A service execution callback allows to wrap the execution of "server side" service.
ServiceExecutionAspect.MethodInvocation A wrapper for method invocation.
SpaceRemotingInvocation Represents a remote invocation.
SpaceRemotingResult<T> A remote invocation result holding either an exception (that occurred during the execution of remote service) or the actual result data.

Class Summary
AsyncRemotingProxyConfigurer<T> Deprecated. Use EventDrivenRemotingProxyConfigurer.
AsyncSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean Deprecated. Use EventDrivenSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean: Async remoting renamed to event driven.
EventDrivenRemoteFuture<T> A Space remoting future implementation.
EventDrivenRemotingProxyConfigurer<T> A simple programmatic configurer creating a remote asyncronous proxy Usage example: IJSpace space = new UrlSpaceConfigurer("jini://*/*/mySpace") .space(); GigaSpace gigaSpace = new GigaSpaceConfigurer(space).gigaSpace(); MyBusinessInterface proxy = new EventDrivenRemotingProxyConfigurer<MyBusinessInterface>(gigaSpace, MyBusinessInterface.class) .timeout(15000) .proxy(); proxy.businessMethod(...);
EventDrivenSpaceRemotingEntry Default implementation of a remoting entry that acts both as a remote invocation and a remote result.
EventDrivenSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean A space event driven remoting proxy that forward the service execution to a remote service with the space as the transport layer.
ExecutorRemotingProxyConfigurer<T> A simple programmatic configurer creating a remote executor based proxy Usage example: IJSpace space = new UrlSpaceConfigurer("jini://*/*/mySpace") .space(); GigaSpace gigaSpace = new GigaSpaceConfigurer(space).gigaSpace(); MyBusinessInterface proxy = new ExecutorRemotingProxyConfigurer<MyBusinessInterface>(gigaSpace, MyBusinessInterface.class) .broadcast(true) .proxy(); proxy.businessMethod(...);
ExecutorRemotingTask<T extends Serializable> A Task that can be used to simulate remote invcation with SpaceRemotingServiceExporter.
ExecutorRemotingTask.InternalExecutorResult<T extends Serializable> A wrapper executor result that holds more information on the exception, such as the instance id.
ExecutorSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean A space executor remoting proxy that forward the service execution to a remote service with the space as the transport layer.
MethodParamRemoteRoutingHandler A default implementation of routing handler allowing to control the routing index of the remote invocation based on the remote method parameters.
RemotingProxyUtils A set of common code shared between different remoting proxies.
RemotingServiceDetails A generic remoting service details.
RemotingServiceMonitors A generic event container service monitors.
ServiceRef A service reference (the reference is generally the Spring bean id).
SpaceRemotingServiceExporter Exports a list of services (beans) as remote services with the Space as the transport layer.
SyncRemoteFuture<T> A Space remoting future implementation.
SyncRemotingProxyConfigurer<T> A simple programmatic configurer creating a remote syncronous proxy Usage example: IJSpace space = new UrlSpaceConfigurer("jini://*/*/mySpace") .space(); GigaSpace gigaSpace = new GigaSpaceConfigurer(space).gigaSpace(); MyBusinessInterface proxy = new SyncRemotingProxyConfigurer<MyBusinessInterface>(gigaSpace, MyBusinessInterface.class) .broadcast(true) .voidOneWay(true) .syncProxy(); proxy.businessMethod(...);
SyncSpaceRemotingEntry Default implementation of a remoting entry that acts both as a remote invocation and a remote result.
SyncSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean Deprecated. Use ExecutorSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean and executor based remoting instead.

Exception Summary
ExecutorRemotingTask.InternalExecutorException A wrapper executor exception that holds more information on the exception, such as the instance id.
RemoteTimeoutException A Space remoting exception caused by a timeout waiting for a result.
SpaceRemoteExecutionException An extension for ExecutionException holding both the remoteInvocation and the remoteResult remote result.

Annotation Types Summary
AsyncProxy Deprecated. Use EventDrivenProxy.
AutowireArguments An annotation enabling autowiring of arguments in a remoting service.
EventDrivenProxy An annotation used to inject EventDrivenSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean into a field.
ExecutorProxy An annotation used to inject ExecutorSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean into a field.
Routing A method parameter annotation allowing to control the routing of a certain remote invocation using an annotation.
SyncProxy Deprecated. Use ExecutorProxy and executor based remoting instead.

Package org.openspaces.remoting Description

A package including OpenSpaces support for Sync and Async remoting inspired by other Spring remoting integrations.

GigaSpaces XAP 7.1 API

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