Properties Metadata

All the properties are written automatically into the SpaceClosed Where GigaSpaces data is stored. It is the logical cache that holds data objects in memory and might also hold them in layered in tiering. Data is hosted from multiple SoRs, consolidated as a unified data model.. If the property is a reference to another object, it has to be Serializable and it will be written into the Space as well. Only the properties that need special Space behavior need to be specified in the gs.xml file. Specify the properties that are IDs, indexes or need exclusions, etc.


Syntax property name
Argument name of the attribute
Description contains mapping info for a property of a class


<class name="Model.Person" persist="false" replicate="false">
    <property name="Age" />


Syntax null-value
Description Specifies that an attribute value be treated as null when the object is written to the Space and no value is assigned to the attribute. (where -1 functions as a null value in case of an int)


<class name="Model.Person" persist="false" replicate="false">
    <property name="Age" null-value="-1" />
    <property name="Status" null-value="-1" />


Syntax reference
Argument class name
Description contains mapping information for a property of a class that is not primitive, but references another entity object.


<class name="Person">
    <property name="FirstName" />
    <property name="Address" reference="Model.Address" />


Syntax storage-type
Argument StorageType
Default object
Description This tag is used to specify how the property is stored in the Space.


<class name="Model.Person" persist="false" replicate="false">
    <property name="Age" null-value="-1" />
    <property name="Address" storage-type="binary" />


Syntax index type
Argument SpaceIndexType
Description Querying indexed fields speeds up read and take operations. The index tag should be used to specify an indexed field.


    <class name="Model.Person" persist="false" replicate="false" >
        <property name="LastName">
            <index type="equal"/>
        <property name="FirstName">
            <index type="equal"/>
        <property name="Age">
             <index type="ordered"/>

SpaceIndex Path

Syntax path type
Argument SpaceIndexType
Description The path attribute represents the path of the indexed property within a nested object.


    <class name="Model.Person"  >
        <property name="PersonalInfo">
            <index path="SocialSecurity" type = "ordered"/>
            <index path="Address.zipCode" type = "equal"/>

Unique Index

Syntax index type unique
Argument SpaceIndexType
Description Unique constraints can be defined for an attribute or attributes of a space class.
Note The uniqueness is enforced per partition and not over the whole cluster.


    <class name="Model.Person" persist="false" replicate="false" >
        <property name="LastName">
            <index type="   EQUAL" unique="true"/>
        <property name="FirstName">
            <index type="EQUAL"/>
        <property name="Age">
             <index type="ORDERED"/>


Syntax fifo-grouping-index path
Description This tag is used to define a space FIFOClosed FIFO is an acronym for first in, first out, a method for organizing the manipulation of a data structure where the oldest entry, or "head" of the queue, is processed first. grouping Index.
Note This tag can be declared on several properties in a class in order to assist in efficient traversal.
If defined, there must be a property in the class, marked with the @SpaceFifoGroupingProperty annotation.
A compound index that contains this FIFO grouping index and the FIFO grouping property will be created.


    <class name="com.gigaspaces.examples.FlightReservation />
        <property name="ProcessingState">
            <fifo-grouping-index />
        <property name="Customer">
            <fifo-grouping-index  path="id"/>


Syntax id name
Argument auto-generate
Default false
Description Defines whether this field value is used when generating the Object ID. The field value should be unique – i.e., no multiple objects with the same value should be written into the Space (each object should have a different field value). When writing an object into the Space with an existing id field value, an EntryAlreadyInSpaceException is thrown. The Object ID is created, based on the id field value.
Specifies if the object ID is generated automatically by the Space when written into the Space. If false, the field is indexed automatically, and if true, the field isn't indexed. If autoGenerate is declared as false, the field is indexed automatically. If autoGenerate is declared as true,the field isn't indexed. If autoGenerate is true, the field must be of the type String.


    <class name="Model.Person">
        <property name="PersonId" />
        <property name="FirstName" />
        <property name="LastName" />
        <property name="Type" />
        <id name="PersonId" auto-generate="true" />


Syntax routingClosed The mechanism that is in charge of routing the objects into and out of the corresponding partitions. The routing is based on a designated attribute inside the objects that are written to the Space, called the Routing Index. name
Description The routing tag specifies a get method for the field to be used to calculate the target Space for the Space operation (read , write...). The routing field value hash code is used to calculate the target Space when the Space is running in partitioned mode.
The field value hash code is used to calculate the target Space when the Space is running in partitioned mode.


    <class name="Model.Person">
        <property name="Id" />
        <property name="FirstName" />
        <property name="LastName" />
        <property name="Type" />
        <id name="Id" auto-generate="true" />
        <routing name="Type" />

Data Partitioning

Class Reference

Syntax class-ref
Argument class name
Description Contains the full qualified name of the specified class.


<class name="Person">
    <property name="FirstName" />
    <property class-ref="Model.Person" />


Syntax persist name
Description This specifies a getter method for holding the persistency mode of the object overriding the class level persist declaration. This field should be of the boolean data type.
If the persist class level annotation is true, all objects of this class type will be persisted into the underlying data store (MirrorClosed Performs the replication of changes to the target table or accumulation of source table changes used to replicate changes to the target table at a later time. If you have implemented bidirectional replication in your environment, mirroring can occur to and from both the source and target tables., ExternalDataSource, Storage Adapter).
Note When using this option, you must have the Space class level persist decoration specified.


<class name="Model.Person" persist="false" replicate="false">
    <property name="Age" null-value="-1" />
    <persist name="Persistence" />


Syntax version name
Description This tag is used for object versioning used for optimistic locking.
Note The attribute must be an int data type.


    <class name="Model.Person">
        <property name="Id" />
        <property name="VersionId" />
        <property name="FirstName" />
        <property name="LastName" />
        <property name="Type" />
        <id name="Id" auto-generate="true" />
        <routing name="Type" />
        <version name="VersionId" />


Syntax exclude name
Description When this tag is specified the property is not written into the Space.
Note - When include-properties is defined as implicit, exclude should be used. This is because implicit instructs the system to take all PONO fields into account.
- When include-properties is defined as explicit, there is no need to use exclude.
- exclude can still be used, even if include-properties is not defined.


    <class name="Model.Person">
        <property name="Id" />
        <property name="FirstName" />
        <property name="LastName" />
        <property name="Type" />
        <id name="Id" auto-generate="true" />
        <routing name="Type" />
        <exclude name="StreetAddress" />


Syntax lease-expiration name
Description This tag specifies the property for holding the timestamp of when the instance's lease expires. This property should not be populated by the user code. The Space will populate this property automatically based on the lease time given by the user when writing the object. When using an external data source, you can choose to persist this value to the database. Subsequently, when data is reloaded from the external data source (at startup time for example), the Space will filter out instances whose lease expiration timestamp has already passed. This field should be a long data type.


    <class name="Model.Person">
        <property name="Id" />
        <property name="FirstName" />
        <property name="LeaseExp" />
        <property name="Type" />
        <id name="Id" auto-generate="true" />
        <routing name="Type" />
        <lease-expiration name="LeaseExp" />


Syntax fifo-grouping-property name path
Argument path
Description This tag is used to define a space FIFO grouping property.
Note If defined, the TakeModifiers.FIFO_GROUPING_POLL or ReadModifiers.FIFO_GROUPING_POLL modifiers can be used to return all space entries that match the selection template in FIFO order. Different values of the FG property define groups of Space entries that match each value. FIFO ordering exists within each group and not between different groups.


    <class name="com.gigaspaces.examples.FlightReservation">
            <fifo-grouping-property name="FlightInfo" path="FlightNumber" />


Syntax dynamic-properties name
Description Allows adding properties freely to a class without worrying about the schema.
Note Only one property per class can be declared as dynamic-properties.


    <class name="Model.Person">
        <property name="Id" />
        <property name="FirstName" />
        <property name="PersonInfo" />
        <property name="Type" />
        <id name="Id" auto-generate="true" />
        <routing name="Type" />
        <dynamic-properties name="PersonInfo" />