Lease Time

In distributed applications on a network, where there may be partial failures of the network or of components, there needs to be a way for components to be timed out if they have failed, or have become unreachable. Lease is a basic mechanism GigaSpaces provides to address this problem. GigaSpaces provides this functionality using Jini technology.

Lease Basics

The essential idea behind a lease is fairly simple.

  • When creating a resource, the requestor creates the resource with a limited life span.
  • The grantor of the resource will then give access for some period of time that is no longer than that requested.
  • The period of time that is actually granted is returned to the requestor as part of the Lease object.
  • A holder of a lease can request that a Lease be renewed, or cancel the Lease at any time.
  • Successfully renewing a lease extends the time period during which the lease is in effect.
  • Cancelling the lease drops the lease immediately.

Few other ways Lease can be managed include,

  • Specifying the Lease interface constant FOREVER, requests a lease that never expires. When granted such a lease, the grantor is responsible for ensuring that the leased resource is freed when no longer needed.
  • Specifying the Lease interface constant ANY, indicates that no particular lease time is desired and that the grantor of the lease should supply a time that is most convenient for the grantor. (GigaSpaces converts leases with ANY constant to FOREVER leases).

Space Object Lease

Leases can be used for objects written to an GigaSpaces cluster. All the write operations in ISpaceProxy interface support Lease. Lease duration is an argument that is passed to the write operations and they return a Lease Context which can be used to manage the Leases.

MyMessage message1 = new MyMessage ();

// Writes the message with 1000 millis/1 sec Lease
ILeaseContext<MyMessage> lease1 = spaceProxy.Write (message1, 1000);

MyMessage message2 = new MyMessage ();

// Writes the message with Default Lease of FOREVER
ILeaseContext<MyMessage> lease2 = spaceProxy.Write (message2);

MyMessage message3 = new MyMessage ();

// Writes the message with Lease of FOREVER
ILeaseContext<MyMessage> lease3 = spaceProxy.Write (message3, long.MaxValue);

Getting Lease Expiration Date

You may use the Lease.getExpiration to retrieve the time where the space object will expire. See below simple example - It writes a space into the space with 10 seconds lease and later prints how much time is left for the space object to remain in space before it will expire:

// Writing object into the space with 10 seconds lease time
ILeaseContext<MyMessage> lease = spaceProxy.Write(new MyMessage(),10000);
String UID = lease.Uid;

Console.Write("Current Date:"+ new DateTime() + " Lease Expiration Date:" + new DateTime(lease.Expiration));

    long expiredDue = (lease.Expiration - new DateTime().Millisecond) ;

    Console.Write("Object "+UID +" Expired in :" + expiredDue+ " seconds");

    if (expiredDue <= 0) break;

Manually Managing Space Object Lease

GigaSpaces API returns the ILeaseContext after every write operation/update operation. SpaceClosed Where GigaSpaces data is stored. It is the logical cache that holds data objects in memory and might also hold them in layered in tiering. Data is hosted from multiple SoRs, consolidated as a unified data model. Object Leases can be renewed or cancelled based on the application needs.

ILeaseContext<Order> lease;

public void writeOrder() {
//Save lease from write operation
lease = spaceProxy.Write(singleOrder);

public void cancelLease() {

Another alternative to using ILeaseContext objects is to retrieve the objects and updating the Lease to desired duration.

//Retrieve all processed low priority orders and expire the lease
Order template = new Order();


Order[] processedLowPriorityOrders = spaceProxy.ReadMultiple(template, 1000);

//Update the lease to expire in 1 second
        1000,                   // Update the Lease to 1 second
        WriteModifiers.UpdateOrWrite); // Update existing object