Uses of Class

Packages that use Identity
com.gigaspaces.grid.master Task Submission Management services. 

Uses of Identity in com.gigaspaces.grid.master

Fields in com.gigaspaces.grid.master declared as Identity

Methods in com.gigaspaces.grid.master that return Identity
 Identity Job.getIdentity()
          Get the universally unique identifier for job.
 Identity Task.getIdentity()
          Get the universally unique identifier for this task.
 Identity TaskResult.getIdentity()
          Return the universally unique identifier for this response.
static Identity Identity.newInstance()

Methods in com.gigaspaces.grid.master with parameters of type Identity
 void JobSubmission.deleteJob(Identity jobID)
          Delete a Job job identified by the Identity object
 void Task.setIdentity(Identity id)
          Specify an universally unique identifier for the particular defined task.
 void TaskResult.setIdentity(Identity id)
          Specify an universally unique identifier for the particular defined task.

Constructors in com.gigaspaces.grid.master with parameters of type Identity
Task(Identity id)
          Create new task with specified Identity.
TaskResult(Identity id)
          Create new task result with specified Identity

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