GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use BeanLevelPropertiesAware A package supporting advance properties based configuration (based on Spring Properties configuration support) and the ability to inject them externally to a Spring application context. A package exposing Space mode (primary/backup) events through Spring application event support. 
org.openspaces.pu.container.integrated An integrated (embedded) processing unit container allowing to integrate the execution of a Processing Unit within an application or executed within an IDE. 
org.openspaces.pu.container.spi Internal (SPI) level interfaces for processing unit containers. 
org.openspaces.pu.container.standalone A standalone processing unit container. 

Uses of BeanLevelPropertiesAware in

Classes in that implement BeanLevelPropertiesAware
 class BeanLevelPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
          An extension on top of Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer that works with BeanLevelProperties in order to inject bean level properties.

Uses of BeanLevelPropertiesAware in

Classes in that implement BeanLevelPropertiesAware
 class RefreshSpaceModeContextLoader
          Extension to SpaceModeContextLoader allowing for the context loader to be refreshable and load new code.
 class SpaceModeContextLoader
          A Space mode based Spring context loader allows to load Spring application context if the Space is in PRIMARY mode.

Uses of BeanLevelPropertiesAware in org.openspaces.interop

Classes in org.openspaces.interop that implement BeanLevelPropertiesAware
 class DotnetProcessingUnitBean
          Dotnet processing unit bean, used as an adapter that will delegate the life cycle method invocation to the .Net processing unit implementation of the .Net GigaSpaces.Core.IProcessingUnit interface
 class DotnetProcessingUnitContainerProvider

Uses of BeanLevelPropertiesAware in org.openspaces.pu.container.integrated

Classes in org.openspaces.pu.container.integrated that implement BeanLevelPropertiesAware
 class IntegratedProcessingUnitContainerProvider
          An IntegratedProcessingUnitContainer provider.

Uses of BeanLevelPropertiesAware in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee

Subinterfaces of BeanLevelPropertiesAware in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee
 interface JeeProcessingUnitContainerProvider
          An extension to the ApplicationContextProcessingUnitContainerProvider that can handle JEE processing units.

Uses of BeanLevelPropertiesAware in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.jetty

Classes in org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.jetty that implement BeanLevelPropertiesAware
 class JettyJeeProcessingUnitContainerProvider
          An implementation of JeeProcessingUnitContainerProvider that can run web applications (war files) using Jetty.

Uses of BeanLevelPropertiesAware in org.openspaces.pu.container.spi

Subinterfaces of BeanLevelPropertiesAware in org.openspaces.pu.container.spi
 interface ApplicationContextProcessingUnitContainerProvider

Uses of BeanLevelPropertiesAware in org.openspaces.pu.container.standalone

Classes in org.openspaces.pu.container.standalone that implement BeanLevelPropertiesAware
 class StandaloneProcessingUnitContainerProvider
          A StandaloneProcessingUnitContainer provider.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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