GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Package org.openspaces.core.gateway

Class Summary
AbstractGatewayComponentFactoryBean Base class for replication gateway components.
BootstrapUtility Deprecated. Since 8.0.4 - use GatewaySinkSource API instead.
GatewayDelegation Holds gateway delegation settings.
GatewayDelegatorFactoryBean A gateway delegator factory bean for creating a ReplicationConnectionDelegatorContainer.
GatewayDelegatorServiceDetails Provide service details of GatewayDelegatorFactoryBean
GatewayLookup Holds information used for gateway lookup.
GatewayLookupsFactoryBean A gateway lookups factory bean for constructing ReplicationLookupParameters using the GatewayLookupsFactoryBean.asReplicationLookupParameters() method.
GatewayServiceDetails Provide service details of a gateway AbstractGatewayComponentFactoryBean
GatewaySinkFactoryBean A sink factory bean for creating a LocalClusterReplicationSink which represents a gateway sink component.
GatewaySinkServiceDetails Provide service details of a GatewaySinkFactoryBean
GatewaySource Holds gateway source configuration.
GatewayTarget Holds gateway target configuration.
GatewayTargetsFactoryBean A factory bean for creating a GatewaysPolicy instance.
GSCForkHandler A class responsible for forking a new GSC for the WAN Gateway, and relocating this PU instance (the gateway) to the new container.
SinkErrorHandlingFactoryBean A factory bean used for configuring the Sink component error handling configuration.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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