GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class UnusableEntryException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by net.jini.core.entry.UnusableEntryException
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class UnusableEntryException
extends Exception

Thrown when one tries to get an Entry from a service, but the entry is unusable (due to serialization or other errors). Normally partialEntry points to an entry with as many fields as possible filled in, with the array unusableFields naming the fields that could not be deserialized and the array nestedExceptions having the corresponding exception.

If the serialized Entry was corrupt enough that no attempt could even be made to deserialize its fields, partialEntry and unusableFields will be null, and nestedExceptions will be an array with one element that is the offending exception. This will typically be because one or more of the classes of the Entry type itself cannot be loaded.

The names in unusableFields can be used together with the reflection mechanisms of java.lang.reflect to examine the full state of the object.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
 Throwable[] nestedExceptions
          The exception that caused the failure for the corresponding field named in unusableFields.
 Entry partialEntry
          The partial entry.
 String[] unusableFields
          The names of the unusable fields.
Constructor Summary
UnusableEntryException(Entry partial, String[] badFields, Throwable[] exceptions)
          Create an exception for the given partial entry and vectors of bad field names/nested exception pairs.
UnusableEntryException(Throwable e)
          Create an exception for a nested exception that prevented even an attempt to build an entry.
Method Summary
 void printStackTrace()
          Calls printStackTrace(System.err).
 void printStackTrace(PrintStream s)
          Calls super.printStackTrace(s) and then calls printStackTrace(s) on each exception in nestedExceptions.
 void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)
          Calls super.printStackTrace(s) and then calls printStackTrace(s) on each exception in nestedExceptions.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public Entry partialEntry
The partial entry. Fields that could not be deserialized will be null.


public String[] unusableFields
The names of the unusable fields. If the entry was entirely unusable, unusableFields will be null.


public Throwable[] nestedExceptions
The exception that caused the failure for the corresponding field named in unusableFields. If the entry was entirely unusable, nestedExceptions will be an array with the one exception that prevented its use.

Constructor Detail


public UnusableEntryException(Entry partial,
                              String[] badFields,
                              Throwable[] exceptions)
Create an exception for the given partial entry and vectors of bad field names/nested exception pairs.

partial - the Entry object on which the exception occurred
badFields - a String array containing the bad field names
exceptions - an array of Throwable objects associated with the bad field names
IllegalArgumentException - if partial is null and badFields is not null or exceptions does not have exactly one element or if partial is non-null and badFields and exceptions are not the same length
NullPointerException - if partial is non-null and badFields or any element of badFields is null, or if exceptions or any element of exceptions is null


public UnusableEntryException(Throwable e)
Create an exception for a nested exception that prevented even an attempt to build an entry.

e - a Throwable representing the nested exception
NullPointerException - if e is null
Method Detail


public void printStackTrace()
Calls printStackTrace(System.err).

printStackTrace in class Throwable


public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s)
Calls super.printStackTrace(s) and then calls printStackTrace(s) on each exception in nestedExceptions.

printStackTrace in class Throwable


public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)
Calls super.printStackTrace(s) and then calls printStackTrace(s) on each exception in nestedExceptions.

printStackTrace in class Throwable

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.