GigaSpaces XAP 7.0 API

Interface GridServiceAgent

All Superinterfaces:
AdminAware, DiscoverableComponent, GridComponent, MachineAware, OperatingSystemAware, TransportAware, VirtualMachineAware, ZoneAware

public interface GridServiceAgent
extends GridComponent

A Grid Service Agent is a process manager allowing to start and stop (on the operating system process level) processes (such as GridServiceManager, GridServiceContainer and LookupService. It can also globally manage certain process type (a process type is a GSM for example), which means that when running X number of Grid Service Agents, at least N processes will run between them.


Method Summary
 com.gigaspaces.grid.gsa.AgentProcessesDetails getProcessesDetails()
          Returns all the processes details this agent is currently running.
 void startGridService(GridServiceContainerOptions options)
          Starts a GridServiceContainer based on the provided options.
 void startGridService(GridServiceManagerOptions options)
          Starts a GridServiceManager based on the provided options.
 void startGridService(GridServiceOptions options)
          Starts a generic process of a given type.
 void startGridService(LookupServiceOptions options)
          Starts a LookupService based on the provided options.
 GridServiceContainer startGridServiceAndWait(GridServiceContainerOptions options)
          Starts a GridServiceContainer based on the provided options and waits indefinitely until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.
 GridServiceContainer startGridServiceAndWait(GridServiceContainerOptions options, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Starts a GridServiceContainer based on the provided options and waits for the given timeout (in time unit) until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.
 GridServiceManager startGridServiceAndWait(GridServiceManagerOptions options)
          Starts a GridServiceManager based on the provided options and waits indefinitely until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.
 GridServiceManager startGridServiceAndWait(GridServiceManagerOptions options, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Starts a GridServiceManager based on the provided options and waits for the given timeout (in time unit) until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.
 LookupService startGridServiceAndWait(LookupServiceOptions options)
          Starts a LookupService based on the provided options and waits indefinitely until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.
 LookupService startGridServiceAndWait(LookupServiceOptions options, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Starts a LookupService based on the provided options and waits for the given timeout (in time unit) until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.GridComponent
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.DiscoverableComponent
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.AdminAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.machine.MachineAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.transport.TransportAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.os.OperatingSystemAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.vm.VirtualMachineAware
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


com.gigaspaces.grid.gsa.AgentProcessesDetails getProcessesDetails()
Returns all the processes details this agent is currently running.


void startGridService(GridServiceManagerOptions options)
Starts a GridServiceManager based on the provided options.


GridServiceManager startGridServiceAndWait(GridServiceManagerOptions options)
Starts a GridServiceManager based on the provided options and waits indefinitely until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.


GridServiceManager startGridServiceAndWait(GridServiceManagerOptions options,
                                           long timeout,
                                           TimeUnit timeUnit)
Starts a GridServiceManager based on the provided options and waits for the given timeout (in time unit) until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.


void startGridService(GridServiceContainerOptions options)
Starts a GridServiceContainer based on the provided options.


GridServiceContainer startGridServiceAndWait(GridServiceContainerOptions options)
Starts a GridServiceContainer based on the provided options and waits indefinitely until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.


GridServiceContainer startGridServiceAndWait(GridServiceContainerOptions options,
                                             long timeout,
                                             TimeUnit timeUnit)
Starts a GridServiceContainer based on the provided options and waits for the given timeout (in time unit) until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.


void startGridService(LookupServiceOptions options)
Starts a LookupService based on the provided options.


LookupService startGridServiceAndWait(LookupServiceOptions options)
Starts a LookupService based on the provided options and waits indefinitely until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.


LookupService startGridServiceAndWait(LookupServiceOptions options,
                                      long timeout,
                                      TimeUnit timeUnit)
Starts a LookupService based on the provided options and waits for the given timeout (in time unit) until it is discovered by the admin, which is then returned.


void startGridService(GridServiceOptions options)
Starts a generic process of a given type.

GigaSpaces XAP 7.0 API

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