GigaSpaces XAP 7.0 API

Package com.gigaspaces.annotation.pojo

Provides annotations to support POJO usage with GigaSpaces.


Enum Summary
FifoSupport Determines FIFO operations support.
SpaceProperty.IndexType Determines the index type for a specified property.

Annotation Types Summary
SpaceClass Defines a class annotation of Entry/POJO objects.
SpaceExclude Excludes a property from the space when using SpaceClass.includeProperties() set to SpaceClass.IncludeProperties.IMPLICIT.
SpaceId To designate a property as the entity's primary key.
SpaceLeaseExpiration Indicates the property that holds the entity lease expiration.
SpacePersist Indicate if the instance is persist.
SpaceProperty Defines a method annotation type with full meta-data of POJO fields.
SpaceRouting Indicate which the member of the POJO is the routing index for partial.
SpaceVersion Indicates the property that holds the optimistic locking version.

Package com.gigaspaces.annotation.pojo Description

Provides annotations to support POJO usage with GigaSpaces.

GigaSpaces XAP 7.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.