Explain Plan

Explain Plan can be used to obtain a description of the strategy or plan that GigaSpaces uses to implement a specific SQLQuery. Explain Plan reports on the way in which the query uses indices and how many entries were scanned.

For detailed information how to assign indexes, see the Indexing section.

Index Information

  • Indexes that the space considered using and the selected index at each stage of the query.
  • Each cluster node may produce a different result.
  • Information breakdown by Pojo type.

Scanning Information

  • Number of entries the space scanned in order to find the matching entries and how many entries were matched.
  • Each cluster node may produce a different result.
  • Information breakdown by Pojo type.

Index Types

The index type is determined by the SpaceIndexType enumeration. The index types are:

NONE - No indexing is used.

EQUAL - performs equality matching (equal to/not equal to).

ORDERED - performs ordered matching (bigger than/less than).

EQUAL_AND_ORDERED - performs both equality and ordered matching, and uses a larger memory footprint than the other indexing types.


The execution plan is initiated by calling the withExplainPlan() method on the SQLQuery. After the query is executed the information is obtained with the query.getExplainPlan() method.

SQLQuery<Person> query = new SQLQuery<Person>(Person.class, "age > 20")
ExplainPlan explainPlan = query.getExplainPlan();


We use a Person class with several properties annotated with @SpaceIndex indicating that we want to use indexes when queries are performed.

import java.util.UUID;

import com.gigaspaces.annotation.pojo.SpaceClass;
import com.gigaspaces.annotation.pojo.SpaceId;
import com.gigaspaces.annotation.pojo.SpaceIndex;

public class Person {
    private UUID id;
    private String country;
    private String gender;
    private Long age;
    public UUID getId() {
        return id;
    public String getCountry() {
        return country;
    public String getGender() {
        return gender;
    public Long getAge() {
        return age;

When different SQLQuery are executed against the space, we can display for each of them the plan that GigaSpaces chooses to execute the query.


SQLQuery<Person> query = new SQLQuery<Person>(Person.class, "age > ? ")
    .setParameter(1, 30L)


******************** Explain plan report ********************
Query: SELECT * FROM sandbox.explainplan.Person WHERE age > ? 
Execution Information Summary:
    Total scanned partitions: 1
    Total scanned entries: 1000
    Total matched entries: 1000
Detailed Execution Information:
    Query Tree:
            GT(age, 30)
    Partition Id: 0
    Index Information: NO INDEX USED
        Scanned entries: 1000
        Matched entries: 1000


query = new SQLQuery<Person>(Person.class, "age > ? and gender = ? and country = ?")
    .setParameter(1, 30L)
    .setParameter(2, "M")
    .setParameter(3, "USA")



******************** Explain plan report ********************
Query: SELECT * FROM sandbox.explainplan.Person WHERE age > ? and gender = ? and country = ?
Execution Information Summary:
    Total scanned partitions: 1
    Total scanned entries: 1000
    Total matched entries: 1000
Detailed Execution Information:
    Query Tree:
            GT(age, 30)
            EQ(country, USA)
            EQ(gender, M)
    Partition Id: 0
        Scanned entries: 1000
        Matched entries: 1000
        Index scan report:
                    [@1] EQ(country, USA), size=1000, type=EQUAL
                    [@2] EQ(gender, M), size=1000, type=EQUAL
                Selected: [@1] EQ(country, USA), size=1000, type=EQUAL


query = new SQLQuery<Person>(Person.class, "age > ? and gender = ? or country = ? ")
    .setParameter(1, 30L)
    .setParameter(2, "M")
    .setParameter(3, "USA")



******************** Explain plan report ********************
Query: SELECT * FROM sandbox.explainplan.Person WHERE age > ? and gender = ? or country = ? 
Execution Information Summary:
    Total scanned partitions: 1
    Total scanned entries: 1000
    Total matched entries: 1000
Detailed Execution Information:
    Query Tree:
            EQ(country, USA)
                EQ(gender, M)
                GT(age, 30)
    Partition Id: 0
        Scanned entries: 1000
        Matched entries: 1000
        Index scan report:
                    [@1] EQ(gender, M), size=1000, type=EQUAL
                    [@2] GT(age, 30), size=unknown, type=EQUAL, UNUSABLE
                Selected: [@1] EQ(gender, M), size=1000, type=EQUAL
                    [@3] EQ(country, USA), size=1000, type=EQUAL
                Selected: [@3] EQ(country, USA), size=1000, type=EQUAL
                    [@3] EQ(country, USA), size=1000, type=EQUAL
                    [@1] EQ(gender, M), size=1000, type=EQUAL
                Selected: [@4] Union [@3, @1]


  • Supported via the Java API. Not supported via the .NET API.
  • Supported operations: Read, ReadMultiple, TakeMultiple , count
  • Supported index types: Equal, Ordered, and Equal-and-Ordered. Unsupported index types: Compound, Unique, Collection, and Geospatial.
  • Supported query type : Basic.
  • Not Supported:
    • Off-Heap
    • FIFO grouping
    • Operations: Take/Clear and variations, blocking operations, space iterator, aggregate , change, notifications
    • JDBC V1 API (hence also WEB UI and GS UI). JDBC V3 has full support of Explain Plan and Explain Analyze.
    • Regex, Is null, Sql function
  • Not thread Safe