

A processing unit runs the JMSDataFeeder that writes Data objects with raw data into the remote space. The JMSDataFeeder uses Spring's JmsTemplate over GigaSpaces JMS, to write non-processed Data objects into the space every second. The JMSDataFeeder uses an ObjectMessage2ObjectConverter to convert the JMS ObjectMessages to Data objects before they are written to the space. Every Data object is written to the space with the processed value set to false, which is later set to true by the DataProcessor.


The JMSDataFeeder is similar to the DataFeeder. The difference between the beans is that the JMSDataFeeder uses Spring's JmsTemplate on top of the GigaSpaces JMS implementation to write the Data objects to the space; no space API is used directly. This is possible due to the usage of a MessageConverter that converts JMS messages into any required POJO type, in this case, Data. In this example, we configure the ConnectionFactory to use the ObjectMessage2ObjectConverter that comes with the GigaSpaces JMS implementation. The ObjectMessage2ObjectConverter receives a JMS ObjectMessage and returns the message's content (body) as the object to write to the space. The JMS ObjectMessage itself, including headers, properties etc., is not written. The JMSDataFeeder uses Spring's JmsTemplate and MessageCreator to send ObjectMessages that contain the Data objects, and the converter makes sure that only the contained Data objects are written.

public class JMSDataFeeder implements InitializingBean, DisposableBean {
    Data data = new Data(Data.TYPES[counter++ % Data.TYPES.length], "FEEDER " + Long.toString(time));
    jmsTemplate.send(new MessageCreator() {
        public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
            return session.createObjectMessage(data);
<bean id="jmsDataFeeder" class="org.openspaces.example.data.feeder.JMSDataFeeder"/>

The JMSDataFeeder is injected with a Spring JmsTemplate. The JmsTemplate is injected with a JMS ConnectionFactory and a destination of type Queue. Unlike the DataFeeder, the JMSDataFeeder does not declare an instance of GigaSpace. GigaSpace is injected into the ConnectionFactory bean, and is used behind the scenes by the JMS layer. In addition, the ConnectionFactory is injected with a MessageConverter of type ObjectMessage2ObjectConverter.

public class JMSDataFeeder implements InitializingBean, DisposableBean {
    /** Sets the JmsTemplate */
    public void setJmsTemplate(JmsTemplate jmsTemplate)
        this.jmsTemplate = jmsTemplate;
<bean id="jmsDataFeeder" class="org.openspaces.example.data.feeder.JMSDataFeeder">
    <property name="instanceId" value="${clusterInfo.instanceId}" />
    <property name="numberOfTypes" value="${numberOfTypes}" />
    <property name="jmsTemplate" ref="jmsTemplate" />

<bean id="jmsTemplate" class="org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate">
    <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory"/>
    <property name="defaultDestination" ref="destination" />

<os-jms:queue id="destination" name="MyQueue" />

<os-jms:connection-factory id="connectionFactory" giga-space="gigaSpace" message-converter="messageConverter" />

<bean id="messageConverter" class="com.j_spaces.jms.utils.ObjectMessage2ObjectConverter" />

Because the JMSDataFeeder implements Spring's InitializingBean and DisposableBean interfaces, its afterPropertiesSet() and destroy() methods are called when it is created or destroyed, respectively.