Working with GSJMSAdmin

The GSJMSAdmin class is offered by GigaSpaces to simplify the obtaining of JMS resources. You can use this class to work with or without JNDI.

Obtaining Resources with GSJMSAdmin without Using JNDI

The following methods create connection factories to work against a space specified as a URL or a proxy.

GSJMSAdmin caches the created factories, so the same factory is returned for multiple invocation of methods to the same space.

ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory(String spaceURL)
ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory(IJSpace space)
QueueConnectionFactory getQueueConnectionFactory(String spaceURL)
QueueConnectionFactory getQueueConnectionFactory(IJSpace space)
TopicConnectionFactory getTopicConnectionFactory(String spaceURL)
TopicConnectionFactory getTopicConnectionFactory(IJSpace space)

For example, to get a connection factory to mySpace:

GSJMSAdmin admin = GSJMSAdmin.getInstance();
String url="jini://myhost:myport/mySpace_container/mySpace;jini://myhost/./mySpace";
ConnectionFactory factory = admin.getConnectionfactory(url); // or a proxy

Using the following space URL: jini://myhost:myport/myJMSSpace_container/myJMSSpace;jini://myhost/./myJMSSpace combines two separate Jini Lookup Services avoiding Single Point of Failure.

The following methods return a cached instance of a destination, or a new instance if no instance exists.

Queue getQueue(String name)
Topic getTopic(String name)

For example, to get the Topic myTopic:

GSJMSAdmin admin = GSJMSAdmin.getInstance();
Topic topic = admin.getTopic(myTopic);

Obtaining Resources with GSJMSAdmin Using JNDI

You can use GSJMSAdmin to look up JMS resources in JNDI.

Object jndiLookup(String name)

For example, to obtain the Topic MyTopic:

GSJMSAdmin admin = GSJMSAdmin.getInstance();
Topic topic = admin.jndiLookup("GigaSpaces;ContainerName;spaceName;jms;destinations;MyTopic")

The name used to look for the resource is the full binding name.