JMS Messages in GigaSpaces

JMS messages implementation; supported and unsupported message types; message compression; accessing JMS messages via space API.

  • JMS messages are implemented as externalizable MetaDataEntries, indexed, and routed to the space by the destination name.
  • The messages contain the standard JMS headers, a body, and properties.
  • Messages are created by calling the Session.createXXXMessage() methods.
  • A producer can use a message more than once. Each call to the MessageProducer.send() method with the same Message instance writes a new message to the space.

Supported JMS Message Types

The following message types are supported by GigaSpaces:

  • Message – a simple message that doesn't contain any payload (body).
  • BytesMessage – transports a stream of un interpreted bytes, typically used to duplicate the body of one of the other message types. BytesMessages are useful when reading raw data from a disk file, and transferring it "as is' to another machine and/or location.
  • TextMessage – contains a java.lang.string for transporting string objects, especially XML documents.
  • ObjectMessage – transports any serializable Java object.
  • MapMessage – transports a self-defining set of name-value pairs, where names equal strings and values equal Java primitive types.

Unsupported JMS Message Types

StreamMessage is not supported. StreamMessage transports a stream of Java primitive values, to be filled and read sequentially. Unlike a BytesMessage, a StreamMessage is aware of the type of primitives that are stored in it, and throws an exception if an attempt is made to read bytes and convert them to the wrong primitive.

Message Compression

Compression for JMS text-message body-data has been supported since GigaSpaces version 5.1. The message's body is compressed only if its size is larger than a configured value (threshold).

The message's body is compressed when sent, and decompressed when received.

The compression threshold property is configured via the system property. The value assigned should be in bytes. The default value is 500000 (0.5 MB).