JMS Basics

The JMS 1.0.2 specification introduced two domains:

  • Point to Point - in this domain, a producer sends messages to a destination of type Queue. Each message is consumed by only one consumer.
  • Publish/Subscribe - in this domain, a producer publishes messages to a destination of type Topic. Any consumer that listens on that Topic receives the messages.

In JMS 1.0.2, each domain used a separate set of interfaces. JMS 1.1 presents the unified model, that unites the usage of both domains under a single set of interfaces. GigaSpaces GigaSpaces JMS implementation supports both the unified model, and the separate domains.

Basic JMS Workflow

  1. Obtain/create a ConnectionFactory instance.
  2. Create a Connection with the ConnectionFactory.
  3. Create a Session with the Connection.
  4. Obtain/create a Destination (Topic or Queue).
  5. Message production:

    1. Create MessageProducers with the Session and the destination.
    2. Create a Message with the Session.
    3. Send the Message with the MessageProducer.
  6. Message Consumption:

    1. Create MessageConsumers with the Session and the destination.
    2. Enable connection message consumption by calling the Connection.start() method.
    3. For synchronous consumption, call the MessageConsumer.receive() method.
    4. For asynchronous consumption, set the MessageConsumer MessageListener, and implement the onMessage() method.
  7. When the application finishes, release all resources by closing the connection.

Using Unified Messaging Model (JMS 1.1)

ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = // obtain
Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Queue destination = // obtain (the destination can also be a Topic)

// producer code
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination);
Message msg = session.createMessage();
for (...) {

// consumer code

// synchronous consumer code
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination);
for (...) {
    Message msg = consumer.receive();

// asynchronous consumer code
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination);
consumer.setMessageListener(new MessageListener() {
    public void onMessage(Message msg) {

// start the connection to receive messages

// release resources

Using Separate Domains (JMS 1.0.2)


TopicConnectionFactory topicConnectionFactory = // obtain
TopicConnection topicConnection = topicConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection();
TopicSession topicSession = topicConnection.createTopicSession
(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Topic destination = // obtain

// producer code
TopicPublisher publisher = topicSession.createPublisher();
Message msg = topicSession.createMessage();
for (...) {

// consumer code

// synchronous consumer code
TopicSubscriber subscriber = topicSession.createSubscriber(destination);
for (...) {
    Message msg = subscriber.receive();

// asynchronous consumer code
TopicSubscriber subscriber = topicSession.createSubscriber(destination);
subscriber.setMessageListener(new MessageListener() {
    public void onMessage(Message msg) {

// start the connection to receive messages

// release resources

Point to Point

QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory = // obtain
QueueConnection queueConnection = queueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection();
QueueSession queueSession = queueConnection.createQueueSession
(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Queue destination = // obtain

// producer code
QueueSender sender = queueSession.createSender(destination);
Message msg = qSession.createMessage();
for (...) {

// consumer code

// synchronous consumer code
QueueReceiver receiver = queueSession.createReceiver(destination);
for (...) {
    Message msg = receiver.receive();

// asynchronous consumer code
QueueReceiver receiver = queueSession.createReceiver(destination);
receiver.setMessageListener(new MessageListener() {
    public void onMessage(Message msg) {

// start the connection to receive messages

// release resources