
Throughout this tutorial we will create and use a simple internet payment service application to demonstrate the basic GigaSpaces features.

The basic concept of our application;

  • Merchants enter into a contract to handle financial transactions using the application.
  • The Merchant will receive a percentage for each transaction.
  • Users will make payments with the online system.

You can download all examples presented here from github. Feel free to clone, fork and contribute to the tutorial code.

Download and Install XAP.NET

XAP.NET is packaged as a standard Windows Installer package (.msi file). You can download the latest version.

Once you have downloaded the distribution, start the installation by double-clicking the msi file and the installation wizard will appear and guide you through the installation process.


The default product location is C:\GigaSpaces\XAP.NET {Version} {Platform} (For example: C:\XAP.NET-14.0.1-x64). This convention supports side-by-side installation of different versions of XAP.NET.


The product directory structure as follows:

  • NET v4.0 – Contains XAP.NET for .NET 4.0 (or later)

    • Bin – Contains binaries (Executables and dll files) of the product.
    • Config – Contains configuration files.
      • Settings.xml - Main product settings file.
    • Deploy – Default location of Processing Units for Service Grid.
    • Examples – Contains examples demonstrating usage and features of the product.
    • Logs – Contains log files generated at runtime (created automatically on first usage).
    • Practices – Contains the product practices.
    • Work – Contains temporary files generated by the service grid at runtime (created automatically on first usage).
  • Runtime – Contains the Java part of the product as well as an embedded Java installation.

In addition, the XAP.NET installer creates shortcuts in the start menu for some of these items.