SpaceDeck – StreamSQL Overview

StreamSQL allows to SpaceDeck to implement a low code (SQL) approach to define and operate with ad-hoc data flows, such as read from Kafka and write directly to Space or read from one Kafka topic and write to another Kafka topic.

For additional information refer to the DI StreamSQL page.

Refer to the Implementation of StreamSQL page for examples of StreamSQL usage.

Main Screen

Data Query Parameters

  1. Create New Stream + - Click this to create a new stream.

  2. Export - export the query result locally to a json file.

  3. Import - import the query result from a json file.

Table Columns:

  • STREAM NAME - the name of the StreamSQL.

    The Stream name is not case sensitive and has no limits for naming but must not exceed a length of 63 characters.

  • STATUS -

  • DESCRIPTION - a free-format description of the StreamSQL

Create New Stream Page

From the main Stream SQL menu screen, click Create New Stream + to create a new stream. This Configuration screen will then be displayed:

The fields withred comments are mandatory.

  1. Stream Name – Mandatory field.

    The stream name is not case sensitive and has no limits for naming but must not exceed a length of 63 characters.

  2. Description – Write a short description of the stream SQL being created.

  3. (Body of the query) – enter an SQL-99 compliant query. What is displayed initially is sample syntax. Mandatory field.

  4. Saved Queries - a list of previously saved queries.

  5. Save Query - save the query which will then be accessible via the Saved Queries drop-down.

  6. Create Stream - click on this to create the stream SQL.