Smart DIH Product Functionality

The table below describes the main functionality of Smart DIHClosed Smart DIH allows enterprises to develop and deploy digital services in an agile manner, without disturbing core business applications. This is achieved by creating an event-driven, highly performing, efficient and available replica of the data from multiple systems and applications,.

Functionality Details Reference
Initial Setup Steps required to install the Smart DIHClosed Digital Integration Hub. An application architecture that decouples digital applications from the systems of record, and aggregates operational data into a low-latency data fabric. system Initial Setup
Control, Logging & Monitoring Control of Smart DIH is managed through SpaceDeckClosed GigaSpaces intuitive, streamlined user interface to set up, manage and control their environment. Using SpaceDeck, users can define the tools to bring legacy System of Record (SoR) databases into the in-memory data grid that is the core of the GigaSpaces system.. Monitoring can be performed by both utilizing the tools that integrated within SpaceDeck and using dashboards in GrafanaClosed Grafana is a multi-platform open source analytics and interactive visualization web application. It provides charts, graphs, and alerts for the web when connected to supported data sources. Control, Logging & Monitoring
Updates & Upgrades The user can update the Smart DIH platform using several methods Updates & Upgrades
Reliability Many of the Smart DIH components contain the appropriate redundancy and are spread across multiple availability zones Reliability
Performance GigaSpaces IMDGClosed In-Memory Data Grid. A set of Space instances, typically running within their respective processing unit instances. The space instances are connected to each other to form a space cluster. The relations between the spaces define the data grid topology. Also known as Enterprise Data Grid - EDG (in-memory data grid) is a technology that manages data queries from the data-grid Performance

Data IntegrationClosed The Data Integration (DI) layer is a vital part of the Digital Integration Hub (DIH) platform. It is responsible for a wide range of data integration tasks such as ingesting data in batches or streaming data changes. This is performed in real-time from various sources and systems of record (SOR. The data then resides in the In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG), or Space, of the GigaSpaces Smart DIH platform.: Data Capture and Transformation

DIClosed The Data Integration (DI) layer is a vital part of the Digital Integration Hub (DIH) platform. It is responsible for a wide range of data integration tasks such as ingesting data in batches or streaming data changes. This is performed in real-time from various sources and systems of record (SOR. The data then resides in the In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG), or Space, of the GigaSpaces Smart DIH platform. is responsible for a wide range of data integration tasks such as ingesting data in batches or streaming data changes Data Integration
Caching and Backup An in-memory data grid (IMDG) for high-performance caching. Through Intelligent Data Tiering, data can extend beyond the data-grid Caching and Backup
Data Services Using Smart DIH, micro-services or server-less functions can be created be consuming data from data grid Data Services
Environment Flexibility GigaSpaces Smart DIH solution can be deployed on several environments with different network isolation models, ranging from air-gapped to a cloud zero-trust model. Environment Flexibility
Data Sources There are several out-of-the-box supported data sources Data Sources
Network Connectivity and Isolation GigaSpaces Smart DIH provides access to its internal network for both data and control purposes Network Connectivity and Isolation
SQL Queries The SQL query class is used to query the SpaceClosed Where GigaSpaces data is stored. It is the logical cache that holds data objects in memory and might also hold them in layered in tiering. Data is hosted from multiple SoRs, consolidated as a unified data model. using SQL-like syntax SQL queries
JDBCClosed Java DataBase Connectivity. This is an application programming interface (API) for the Java programming language, which defines how a client may access a database./ODBCClosed Microsoft Open DataBase Connectivity. This interface is a C programming language interface that makes it possible for applications to access data from a variety of database management systems (DBMSs). ODBC is a low-level, high-performance interface that is designed specifically for relational data stores. V3 An updated and improved set of rules JDBC/ODBC V3
OrchestrationClosed This is the automated configuration, management, and coordination of computer systems, applications, and services. Orchestration strings together multiple tasks in order to execute and easily manage a larger workflow or process. These processes can consist of multiple complex tasks that are automated and can involve multiple systems. Kubernetes, used by GigaSpaces, is a popular open source platform for container orchestration. using KubernetesClosed An open-source container orchestration system for automating software deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Orchestration of the Smart DIH platform is performed using Kubernetes Orchestration using Kubernetes
DNS & TLSClosed Transport Layer Security, or TLS, is a widely adopted security protocol designed to facilitate privacy and data security for communications over the Internet. A primary use case of TLS is encrypting the communication between web applications and servers. When deploying the Smart DIH platform. the cloud services for DNS and TLS termination can be used DNS & TLS
Deployment Procedure Smart DIH is deployed using IAC (Infra As Code) tools (e.g. Terraform) Deployment Procedure
Installation Methods There are several installation methods for Smart DIH Installation Methods
Security Controls The Smart DIH security controls for application and data are illustrated here Security
Security: IDPClosed An identity provider, or IDP, stores and manages users' digital identities. IDP and SSO can work together to authenticate users. Integration GigaSpaces supports integration with identity providers (IDP) IDP Integration
Security: Service Accounts Service accounts represent components which integrate with the data-grid. Service Accounts
Security: Roles & Privileges User and service accounts can be assigned to roles which limit their access to the data-grid and platform control. Roles & Privileges
Security: Auditing Each operation performed by SpaceDeck (pipelines, services, data-grid/Spaces) is audited and can be found in a log containing both the user ID and the operation performed. Auditing