Transactions Control Language (TCL) Syntax

Transactions group a set of tasks into a single execution unit. Each transaction begins with a specific task and ends when all the tasks in the group are successfully completed. If any of the tasks fail, the transaction fails. Therefore, a transaction has only two results: success or failure. You can explore more about transactions

Transaction Control Language (TCL Syntax)

BEGIN/START and END/COMMIT are available to define the beginning and end of a Logical Unit of Work as a transaction.

The default transaction isolation level is READ_COMMITTED.

Example 1:

Syntax Explanation Examples


  • Starts a Transaction.

  • Commands are case insensitive, meaning both upper and lower cases will work.

  • Transaction keyword is optional. This is also case insensitive.

Using Begin:

Using Start Transaction:

INSERT …xxx…;



INSERT …yyy…;



SELECT …xxx…;



SELECT …yyy…;




  • Both End and Commit commands are used to commit the changes.

  • Commands are case insensitive, meaning both upper and lower cases will work.

  • Commit command could be used both inside transaction block and instead of End command.

  • Commit inside transaction block committing all above changes and then a new transaction is created to proceed below statements.

Using End:

Using Commit:

Example 2:

Syntax Explanation Examples


Begin transaction


INSERT …xxx…;



SELECT …xxx…;




  • Rollback is used to rollback all the changes during one transaction (changes until explicit commit was run before).

  • Commands are case insensitive, meaning both upper and lower cases will work.

  • Rollback command can be called:

    1. Explicitly - Explicit Rollback rollbacks all changes during transaction execution and then a new transaction is created to proceed below statements.

    2. In the case where an exception was thrown during transaction execution - rollbacks all changes during transaction and all below statements won’t be executed.

Explicit Rollback Call:

Rollback in the Case of Exception:


SELECT …xxx…;

Not found

  • This is because of the rollback. The xxx insert was rolled back and this is the reason the select xxx will return no results.


INSERT …yyy…;



SELECT …yyy…;




End transaction with commit


SELECT …yyy…;




  • Both End and Commit commands are used to commit the changes.

  • Commands are case insensitive, meaning both upper and lower cases will work.

  • Commit command could be used both inside transaction block and instead of End command.

  • Commit inside transaction block committing all above changes and then a new transaction is created to proceed below statements.


Transaction Properties (Set Env Properties)

Property Explanation


Transaction isolation level. Default transaction isolation level is READ_COMMITTED.


Commit timeout. Default value is MAX_VALUE of Long.


Rollback timeout. Default value is MAX_VALUE of Long.


The requested lease time for the transaction. Default value is 90000.